Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 It had taken her four years to get over him ; four years to get to the point where she could tell herself with some conviction that she had shaken off the last of the memories and was really ready to get on with her life .
2 But it could be like this perhaps , ’ illustrating her point with some jewel that she had quarried from her years of research in the mines of history .
3 The government could claim with some truth that it had forced through changes in managerial behaviour so that concepts like efficiency , cost-effectiveness and productivity were accorded more weight in the organisational culture .
4 Danzigers felt with some justification that they had been left to the mercy of the Polish military and were now chained to what Molotov called the monstrous bastard of Versailles — the backward Polish state and economy .
5 After some spirited discussion Margaret agreed with the policy but pointed out with some feeling that she had been in the chair of every meeting of the Economic Committee throughout the Falklands crisis .
6 Jo loathed her blobby nose , her receding chin , her long body , her short legs , her droopy ass , her fat thighs , her white skin that absolutely refused to tan and her brown hair which frizzed and which her mother would n't even let her frost ; she accepted that she would never look like Faye Dunaway , never be a Prom Queen and that most of her body was a total disaster area , but she knew with absolute certainty that she had great tits .
7 With that my respondent turned and attacked the ice with such ferocity that I had to step back to avoid the avalanche of detritus .
8 When she had graduated from the School of Fashion she had sold her entire degree collection to Lady Jane , a small but exclusive West End boutique , who had greeted her designs with such enthusiasm that she had believed the world was her oyster and everything was about to happen for her .
9 One o'clock in Piazza dei Partigiani after a stressful morning at work was very different from eleven o'clock the night before after making love , but Ellen was bubbling with such enthusiasm that he had n't the heart to voice his reservations .
10 Rune brushed aside her lack of enthusiasm with such purpose that she had no option but to fall into step beside him .
11 Dalgliesh 's wife had n't wanted to be with her mother , she had wanted to be with him , had wanted it with such intensity that he had wondered afterwards whether she might have felt a premonition .
12 Alders and willows and rich grass and wild rose briars described a great , smooth horseshoe shape that was still hollowed gently into the green earth , with such authority that it had been acknowledged in perpetuity as a natural boundary , and a single large field hemmed within it .
13 The car swung to the right and pulled on to the verge , and he swung towards Caroline , his eyes blazing with such anger that she had to keep from cringing into the corner .
14 Once upon a time Fenna had brooded on a hoard for so many years and with such desire that it had quickened and grown , diamonds breeding and bringing up their young under his weight .
15 Yet once he had started he applied his mind and industry to it with such vigour that he had mastered more books in that short space than any child before or since .
16 Lesley had issued her fiat with such confidence that she had taken his compliance for granted .
17 The group who face the most difficulty getting adequately trained are women doctors , and they made their voices heard at the conference despite the organisers admitting with startling candour that they had not anticipated that this issue would arise .
18 She knew it was with good reason that she had brought her papers back across the lake that day .
19 When we got home my mother asked if we had had a good time and Syl said with great enthusiasm that we had .
20 Some , Allen guessed , had been several weeks unused ; others , not since the winter rains ; of one of them he said with more certainty that it had been used recently , perhaps yesterday .
21 The Prime Minister and the Lord Chancellor later in the year protested with apparent truthfulness that they had been quite unaware that it had been passed at all ! .
22 It was the kind of tragedy that so often called for sympathy — a momentary sympathy and thrill of horror , mixed with shamefaced satisfaction that it had happened to someone else -before one passed on to less disturbing news .
23 It had been with supreme effort that he had controlled his temper .
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