Example sentences of "with [noun] [conj] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Once again , clear objectives are necessary ; partners must manage their corporate affairs in a way similar to business affairs , with plans and objectives well defined and progress clearly monitored .
2 Operating profits from the construction division slumped from £13.1 million to £1.5 million , with turnover and margins adversely affected especially on construction tenders .
3 Nicholson , at this point , was in the news through the acclaim being bestowed upon him for Easy Rider , and his first taste of stardom was received with some apprehension ; his on-screen connections with marijuana and LSD also attracted a great deal of media coverage ; serious press interviews , with him personally as the focus and centre of attention , were also unfamiliar territory into which he ventured nervously , almost unsure of what he was going to say and how he was going to express his feelings and opinions ; he had plenty , and serious ones at that .
4 In the latter technique , splenic function is assessed by counting the percentage of erythrocytes with indentations or pits normally removed by the spleen .
5 Indeed Persephone 's final address , at a more flowing tempo with reciter and flutes ideally distanced in the warm acoustic of London 's Blackheath Concert Halls , is a cherishable moment of tender limpidity .
6 There are also outstanding bits of Indian stone monuments , with gods and goddesses sensuously entwined in spiritual embrace ; they start with the Gandhara grey schist carvings of the third/fourth century .
7 The common concern with access and resources often disguised quite different assumptions about the nature of the problems facing the working class and the means to resolve them .
8 The Safety Director 's is a delicate job , requiring diplomacy in dealing with academics and researchers traditionally used to autonomy in their laboratories .
9 We were all made very wary by this brush with authority and Frankie even refused to go out with Dad that night in case they were spotted by the parish man .
10 All around her , the flower-market was bustling with life as traders seemingly managed to clinch three deals simultaneously , talking and haggling at double speed .
11 Steve White may be in from the start ; with Moncur and Ling both injured by teenager , Austin Berkley is standing by for his debut too .
12 He produced his remarkable output in four hours a day — he found it too exacting to do more — in the mornings , with afternoons and evenings often spent walking or listening to records .
13 CROWDS of starving Muslims , mostly women and children , cheered and wept yesterday as a long-delayed United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally won through to the besieged eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica .
14 The formulae to produce x , y plotting coordinates from latitude and longitude values for this projection are as follows ( definitions of r and clong are given first ) : with latitude and longitude again expressed in radian measure .
15 The new venture will be aiming to make ‘ each book a project in itself , so that each one has a unique quality , with format and layout painstakingly related to the kind of work being produced ’ in the words of Tom Neville .
16 The fraction less than 2 µm , which varied between 3.0–4.9% by weight of the bulk sample , gave illite as the dominant clay with 70–85% in well crystallised form , kaolinite 10–25% either very poorly or well crystallised , and mixed layer 5% with illite and chlorite poorly represented .
17 With instruments and voices carefully mixed and contrasted , the overall programme is richly varied .
18 At this point cast your mind ahead once again to your ideal farm ( in , let us say , Year 4 , to be optimistic ) with crops and livestock nicely balanced to suit the land potential .
19 She saw oval shields , with boars and stags brilliantly gilded upon the slashed leather , broken swords , highly coloured cloaks and small chariots of wicker , broken or burned , in each of which crouched the naked form of its dead rider .
20 Some 10,000 troops had been flown into Caracas in response to the unrest , and official casualty figures put the number of people killed at 256 , including two soldiers and a police officer , and the number injured at 1,831 , with deaths and injuries mostly caused by gunfire .
21 All the other As ( i.e. the Pied Pipers ) position themselves behind their " representative " ( with Bs and Cs similarly arranged ) .
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