Example sentences of "you might [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or you might even have a home visit from your midwife to recheck your blood pressure away from the crowded scene of a busy antenatal clinic .
2 In some cases , you might even find a list of the apostles — and there would be Matthew .
3 And you might even find the James of both doctors scratched out and substituted more than once , such was the atmosphere of indecision which gripped the enclave .
4 What you can do is list all the people down here and then you might have a skills matrix you might also have a product knowledge matrix yeah ?
5 If you do , you might just hook a beauty . ’
6 WHITE SANDS ( Cert 15 ; General ) weaves such layers of confusion , you might just lose the plot completely !
7 A tour of the brewery shows little has changed over 150 years and you might just catch a glimpse of the ghost of old John Arkell .
8 you might just catch the film .
9 If you 've been self-employed since five minutes after Lucifer 's fall , and can fork out the massive outlay required , you might just find a way to bribe yourself on to the single-ticket waiting list ; if you belong to a small , minor-league organisation , your company will probably club together with several others to rent a cheap and jerry-built booth in one of the minor outbuildings , and argue with its partners over a tiny allocation of entry passes , whose holders will be consigned to overpriced lodgings in distant and inconvenient suburbs .
10 In these days of widespread family planning , you might well think the number of unwanted pregnancies is on the decline .
11 Thus you might well commence a let-down miles away from the NDB , thinking that you had passed overhead .
12 significantly less and so you might well consider the need to use this means
13 You might well ask the moon .
14 If retirement is not too far away , you might actually welcome the prospect of an easing of the pressure , while still contributing your experience and business know-how in a modified role .
15 If , as you approach retirement , you become aware that you are not going to have a big enough pension to live as comfortably as you would like , you might seriously consider the possibility of making additional voluntary contributions .
16 You might charitably allow an Academic with spellcasting powers an Int test ( with a -25 penalty ) to recognize that this ritual does n't seem to have anything to do with travel , but does have quite a lot to do with death and blood .
17 You might then telephone the agent and find out who is acting for the seller .
18 You might then have a working dinner with a business speaker .
19 Taking a simple example , you might suddenly have an intimation that it is time to change direction and find a new job .
20 Even after paying £6,000 over 10 years , you might still make a loss — though Equitable paid £12,877 , and several other companies paid more than £9,000 .
21 Forward the answer to CALE 'S NO 10 And even if your card is not the first hauled from the bag , you might still prove a winner , because NME has 20 COPIES of a special promo three-track CD , ‘ Lonesome Town ’ / ‘ Low Rider ’ / ‘ Passion ’ , to hand over to runners-up .
22 ‘ If you miss the heart , you might still put a hole through something vital .
23 If you are heavily laden with treasure you might only manage a couple of swings of the sword before you have to rest , during which time your opponent can batter away at you ! )
24 So it 's going to be erm you might only get a week 's notice if it 's going to be switched to the Saturday then I would guess .
25 There 's all sorts of accidents not only having the computer switched off , you might accidentally mess the file up or erase it or whatever , er , you 've still got the original copy on the disk so if you keep saving it every ten minutes or so , then you always lose more than ten minutes ' work .
26 And , it occurred to yours truly , even then you were n't safe ; for you might genuinely forget a face the other was able to remember .
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