Example sentences of "you are [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you are turned down for a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given , there is no right of appeal to an independent tribunal as there used to be .
2 What happens if you are run over by an iceberg ?
3 Also , although others may be wearing very little , you should always ensure that you are dressed sensibly for the occasion .
4 It is the same as in the last exercise except that you are bent over from the waist .
5 ‘ Amotju was so slim and tall , and you are built more like a warrior or a boatman than a scribe . ’
6 As an inmate you are shut away in a jail without a name and escape is an option rarely considered with armed guards carefully positioned at the perimeter fence of some of the prisons .
7 If , for instance , you are pushed over in the playground , would it be all right to push the aggressor in return ?
8 In other words , if you are brought up on a diet of do 's , don'ts , should 's and shouldn'ts , you will be inclined to spend a lot of time and energy earning approval .
9 But you are brought closer to the real nature of Appenzell and its people if you catch a train on the narrow gauge railway from St Gallen .
10 It may be that you have been taking them for so long that you are caught up in a chemical spiral and can not now function without them .
11 Once you are wrapped around by the cirque you realize that it is not beautiful but what in the eighteenth century they knew as ‘ sublime ’ .
12 I shall personally see to it that you are put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you !
13 If you are trapped upstairs by a fire , get everyone into the ‘ escape room ’ , close the door and block any gaps round it with items of clothing or bedding ( dampened , if possible ) to keep smoke out .
14 Before you are carried away by the possibilities of information manipulation for its own sake it is worth taking a step back and examining how much more than the pen , paper and adding machine you really need .
15 As you turn the corner towards the church of St Mary , which was enthusiastically restored in the picturesque style during the nineteenth century , you are bowled over by the beauty of this grandest of farms .
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