Example sentences of "you are [adj] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This subject may send shivers down your spine , but you are right to be alarmed , for whether it is the lowly woodworm or the dreaded deathwatch beetle , whether it is dry rot or wet rot , all weaken the structural timbers of a dwelling .
2 You are right to be concerned about protein levels , but without a very thorough understanding of canine nutritional science , you will end up tying yourself in knots .
3 You are right to be afraid , ’ Rose Alderley said bracingly .
4 Between the 1st and the 19th you are liable to be preoccupied with partnership matters .
5 I await its summons , and as a preliminary response , end with two lines from Blake 's Milton : ‘ If you account it Wisdom when you are angry to be silent , and Not to shew it , I do not account that Wisdom , but Folly … ‘
6 From the heights of Foel-cwmcerwyn , just to the east , you are supposed to be able to see Exmoor , Snowdonia and the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland .
7 ‘ No , officer , ’ he said slowly , ‘ I am afraid there is only my wife , and you are unlikely to be satisfied with her confirmation . ’
8 In Britain , the tits you see will be blue tits , great tits , coal tits , crested tits , marsh tits , or willow tits ( to be fair , you are unlikely to be able to distinguish the latter two unless you listen to their calls and songs ) .
9 Economic strength is the reason : unless you have German approval on a product , you are unlikely to be able to sell in Germany , as the current hallmarking debate shows .
10 If you take an instant dislike to a particular hypnotherapist , or if you feel that you are unlikely to be able to establish any rapport with him , then he is not the one for you and any treatment would be unlikely to succeed .
11 Unless you have established for yourself what your motives are beforehand , you are unlikely to be able to present them in an attractive light to others .
12 If you ca n't sell yourself you are unlikely to be able to sell the agency 's work .
13 You are privileged to be able to witness our ritual .
14 While the patient is suffering the frustrations and discomforts of being ill , you are likely to be worried about the long-term prospects of his recovery , how long it might take , or indeed whether he will recover at all .
15 If your only source of income is your basic State pension , you are likely to be entitled to income support .
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