Example sentences of "you should [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore I am not able to suggest to you , and have n't been able to in my evidence which district even a new settlement er ought to go in , but I have to say that if it were part of your deliberations that you should choose a particular district , er then it is not part of my submission that you should not choose a particular district , but my bottom line is that the policy wording should at least ensure that there is commitment to a new settlement and it is inescapable on behalf of the district planning authorities , the last thing that we would want is the possibility of going round the districts , and the last one to produce a district wide plan is the one that has to get the new settlement , that seems to be a gen , fairly unsatisfactory way of proceeding , and each one should have to consider that as part of their certification process .
2 There is no reason why you should not have a weekly reward for remaining the same weight , at least for a few months after you have attained your ideal shape .
3 Of course , there is no reason why you should not use a single essential oil if you are intrigued by its aroma ( rose , sandalwood and ylang-ylang are popular used singly ) , though aromatherapists have always felt they work better blended with other essences .
4 If you have done enough of the right type of training , there is no reason why you should n't give a good account of yourself .
5 There are quite a few people who would say that you should n't feed a wild badger at all .
6 to because we 've got the Legal Aid system , but I mean my son was also a repeated robbed in his car and what shocked me was the , the police they said to me you should n't have a pretty car any way , he had a brand new X R three
7 you should n't have a pretty car , I mean that is nonsense
8 So there 's no reason at all why you should n't have a few hours off .
9 You should n't need a new .
10 For example , if you use what was the dining room for a work room/study as well , you should either have a round table which can be piled with books when necessary , a table set off-centre , or a drop-leaf table that can be pulled out and set up in the centre of the room as required .
11 You should never increase a long run , tempo run , speed session or total weekly mileage by more than 10 per cent over the previous week .
12 After tackling up and laying your baitboxes , landing net etc , around you , and sinking your keepnet in deep-enough water , you should still have a reasonable amount of daylight left to assess your surroundings .
13 You should still play a full part in
14 A fruit tree is a long-term investment and you should always consult a comprehensive catalogue or fruit guide carefully before buying .
15 I can not stress too strongly that it is vital to know what you are treating , and that unless the problem is obviously pathogenic ( eg White Spot ) or organic ( visible tumour ) then you should ALWAYS suspect an environmental problem , and usually the culprit is poor water quality .
16 You should now attempt a similar process in looking at reforms proposed for primary and secondary education in England and Wales at the end of the '80s .
17 You should then get an ordinary bar chart , with the names of the sales staff used as the labels for the columns in the chart .
18 You should therefore devise a clear plan with priorities , and introduce your livestock bit by bit as your fencing permits .
19 You should therefore have a time-recording system .
20 Now you should all have a spare scrap of paper that 's blank on one side , out of my recycled paper box , okay .
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