Example sentences of "you have the [noun] of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Will you have the opportunity of spending some time with London Agents , and if so what are the financial terms likely to be ?
2 did you have the power of vetoing it if you wanted ?
3 But what would you do if you woke up one morning to find that suddenly you had the chance of starting with a totally clean slate , and putting together your own system .
4 Nicholas said , ‘ You had the choice of surrendering . ’
5 But you had the job of selling the Football Posts and News , the local papers .
6 The door , a long way from being square , was at the left of the shop window and on entering you had the impression of walking downhill .
7 Before that you had the option of paying additional contributions to cover previous service so you will no doubt know if you actually took took up that option .
8 You have the advantage of arriving in the milieu with a fresh flood of Europe in your veins , Spanish , French , English , Danish .
9 The beauty of that trail is that you have the thrill of walking beneath the railway viaduct and carrying on up alongside the Allt Chonoghlais into Coire a' Ghabhalach , the mirror eastern corrie of the one gained by the Bridge of Orchy route .
10 Within these four categories you have the opportunity of participating in the running of the college and its affairs .
11 I would be happy to discuss this further with you in my office , but accept that because of the distance this may not be possible , but if you have the opportunity of travelling to Yorkshire during office hours please contact my secretary , Pat Slater , who will be pleased to arrange a mutually convenient appointment for you .
12 If the bereaved is your mother-in-law you have the problem of trying to help someone with whose personality and reactions you may not be entirely familiar ; but you will have the advantage of being able to remain a little more detached from the throbbing centre of her pain and therefore freer to be objective in the help you give her , without in any way reducing the flow of sympathy and affection she will hope to receive from you .
13 Then you have the problem of reconciling that with other duties , such as your legal duties which tend to lag behind best practice .
14 I can now speak from experience and say that it 's much easier to spend a day at the office than it is to spend a day at home , and you have the benefit of spending ‘ quality time ’ with your baby at evenings and weekends .
15 You have the privilege of knowing the contents several hours before everyone else , but at this stage in the proceedings it is too late to influence the outcome .
16 In other words , rather than using a notepad and pen , you have the privilege of paying £100 for a piece of complicated electronics that does the same thing .
17 You have the privilege of having found a lovely woman , privileged and — you know this better than I do unique .
18 It is best to plan in advance what kind of demonstration tape you want and then you have the possibility of recording for that purpose .
19 With doors and drawers in place , you have the choice of replacing old handles or investing in new .
20 If you want to carry on working after you are 60 , you have the choice of drawing your state pension and adding your earnings to it , or postponing your retirement .
21 When you take out a Midland Car Loan you have the choice of repaying the money over any period from 6 months to 5 years ( in steps of 6 months ) .
22 You have the choice of cleaning the Discs in position or removing them to wash in the sink .
23 If you have a problem which is too difficult for you to resolve on your own then as an RCN member you have the choice of going to your local steward , the convenor or any other branch officers , or to full-time officers based at the RCN office for your region .
24 As we approach the end of the diet and exercise programme , it is important to decide at this stage how you intend to proceed afterwards.If you have a significant amount of weight to lose you have the choice of continuing on the diet menus as included in the daily plans or you can follow the diet contained in my Complete Hip and Thigh Diet .
25 After ten years you have the choice of continuing to save or stopping contributions and letting the money grow .
26 You have the choice of running the program in CGA or EGA , this depends on the command you type to run the program .
27 The interest you earn will be paid half-yearly in June and December , and you have the choice of having it added to your savings , or paid directly to your Midland Current Account .
28 You have the choice of having the interest paid in a lump sum at the end of the term of the Bond , or on a monthly income basis .
29 And you have the security of knowing that WordPerfect is still developing the product ; Version 6 is on its way .
30 It takes a lot to run a marathon and now you have the satisfaction of knowing that a session in a Flotation Tank requires no effort on your behalf .
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