Example sentences of "you have [adv] look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If you have ever looked at the ingredients list on your bag of Koi pellets , you may have been puzzled by the high ash content .
2 You have never looked in the garage there 's a load down the steps .
3 Best probably knows he should have Cusworth on board and you have only to look at the magical ( and almost posthumous ) transformation that Best has wrought in Peter Winterbottom 's handling and passing to see what a course in sevens indoctrination can achieve .
4 You have only to look at the shape and solidness of a barbel to see where he gets his speed and power .
5 If this all sounds a bit old-fashioned and too good to be true , you have only to look at the happy faces of these children who thoroughly enjoy spending their weekends mucking out , cleaning tack and grooming , while waiting their turn to ride .
6 It is grosser than in any European country and you have only to look down the nearest street to see it .
7 You have only to look down the hall at this moment . ’
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