Example sentences of "that if [pron] [verb] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Liverpool have got to play him against Middlesbrough and it is my belief that if someone comes in and does a turn for you , stick by them .
2 For though it is hard for us to credit it now , many people believed that if you travelled faster than — say — 30 miles an hour , you might actually burst and be scattered across the railway lines .
3 Now , I do agree with that , that if you phone up and somebody phones you and they just talk to you and then for about five minutes later , the person at the other end of the phone says , ‘ I 'm in a meeting ’ , and you just thought ‘ Well , why on earth did n't you say that in the first place ? ’ , so there is another side to that one .
4 ‘ Well ’ , came the reply from Adam , ‘ he said that if you stayed longer than a week he 'd hit the roof ! ’
5 Yes I just want to explain very quickly for people who do n't know what we 're talking about , Leslie , because a lot of people join us by the minute , er , MPs on the Commons ' Heritage Committee , have said , they think it 's a very good idea , that if you have more than one telly , you should pay twenty pounds for the second one , and who knows , twenty pounds for the third , and twenty pounds extra for the fourth .
6 ‘ Well , I certainly find that if I sit down and play blues for forty-five minutes or an hour , it 's hard to get back into the rock feel .
7 if he , that in the sense that if he came back and said the revolution 's already happening , all we need to do is to get
8 She thought that if she went there while the maid was cleaning , Theresa and Anthony out at work , she could nick the netsukes if she was quick and clever , and the maid would not notice .
9 Her heart was hammering hard but she knew that if she breathed slowly and deeply and looked long and intently at the comforting ritual of man and beast before her , the thudding would subside .
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