Example sentences of "that there be [adj] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 It seems that there is one man who helped to carry Saint Winifred 's reliquary to the cart for Ramsey , in all innocence , being asked by a habited brother of the Order .
2 All these images make the claim that there is one God who is understood in a variety of ways by the world 's different religious traditions .
3 Mohammed is seen as someone who swept away the pagan polytheism of Mecca in favour of the idea that there is one God who is totally separate from the world .
4 Jeremiah and Isaiah never tire of reminding the people that there is one God who can save his people , and that all other refuges are in vain .
5 It also helps them realize that there are other people who have similar problems and difficulties , and that they are not alone in their plight .
6 What does make living for Jesus at school a lot easier is to know that you are not alone ; that there are other Christians who agree with what you believe and who can maybe encourage you when the going gets a bit tough .
7 Is it likely that there are other pupils who may turn up in that room in a few minutes ?
8 He — in his little bit , sitting on a different spindly chair — had the presence of mind to take the opportunity of delivering an onslaught on the Snow school of criticism , the stranglehold they have , their implication that there are worthwhile characters who ‘ matter ’ and others that can not have any importance .
9 I know that there are many women who have a very rough time at home , but you 're asking me if I think men have changed , and I think in that way , domestically , I think they have , but I do n't think their attitude has changed in the workplace .
10 They feel he is on their side which is like a breath of fresh air in this game for most of us have known to our cost that there are many jockeys who do n't always give their 100pc — especially when our money is down .
11 Equally it must be understood that there are many farmers who perpetrate these changes with genuine personal regret , but who feel compelled to do so by economic circumstances .
12 Remember that there are many agencies who can provide advice training for key staff , assessment and counselling .
13 Parts of it may seem distasteful , even shocking , but the sad fact is that there are many others who have suffered far worse degradations .
14 Well , with a membership of 32,000 and an unemployment level of 70% it follows that there are many members who get little or no work within the profession .
15 I hope that the BBC will make more effort in the future to bring more coverage of major tennis events , for example Grand Slams like the French Open , on the scale of coverage they had for Wimbledon because I am sure that there are many people who are in the same situation as me and would like more tennis on TV .
16 The warm response to the successful National Learn the Organ Year in 1990 suggests that there are many people who are interested in doing so .
17 Common sense also suggests that there are many people who drink before attending sporting contests but do not become involved in fighting .
18 The business has responded by stopping trading in one subsidiary and shuffling its activities among other companies , but Mr Hagger says that there are genuine creditors who need to be paid and must be paid if his business is to survive .
19 Another interesting idea that has been suggested is that there are extra terrestrials who are very intelligent .
20 Further , in developing this approach Merton laid the ground for later work on crime based on the notion of subculture , the notion that there are certain groups who will be more liable to break the rules of society .
21 What transpires around 30 March when the Sun in Aries makes a disagreeable aspect to the revolutionary and unpredictable planet Uranus will , it seems , cut you to the quick , and make you realise that there are certain individuals who will never be on your wavelength .
22 ‘ I do n't think , ’ the wife of the late , great , womanising US president once observed , ‘ that there are any men who are faithful to their wives . ’
23 However , we are well aware that there are some students who , even with the increase in support from the grant and loan , may experience financial difficulties .
24 Hon. Members will appreciate , I am sure , that there are some students who have financial needs above and beyond those of their peers .
25 Likewise the Whig Junto chief , John Somers , defended " The Archbishop , and those of his worthy Brethren " against those who would " traduce the Governors of the Church , as Enemies and Betrayers of it , and to make zealous Churchmen and others believe , that there are some men who are better Pastors , and truer Friends of the Church than the Bishops are " .
26 This is exacerbated by the fact that there are some extremists who would argue that psychology is nothing but a crude way of approaching brain function that has been superseded by advances in physiological technique .
27 I think it 's ludicrous that there are some bands who are appropriate and some bands who are inappropriate for me to work with …
28 But , apart from the fact that there are some patients who , however straightforward their problem may seem , insist upon knowing what caused it in the first place , self-understanding is the key to the successful resolution of any emotional problem .
29 The Government have never accepted that there are some people who can not afford to pay for local government services .
30 they 're not practical people , th erm , and it may very well be that there are some people who are very good at the theory , but erm , are not very good at at the practice .
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