Example sentences of "that there [be] [noun] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Many congratulations and a warm welcome should be given to Dorling Kindersley , the first general publisher to recognise that there is ELT potential in its list and to go so far as to publish an ELT catalogue .
2 Information to which you have no read access simply does not appear in query outputs ; you are not informed that there is LIFESPAN information in the relational database of which you have no visibility .
3 However , what the poll tax has revealed unequivocally is that there are poverty traps in this city entirely due to that particular tax and those people who are in financial difficulty we do understand the problem they have and we will continue to help .
4 However , what the poll tax has revealed unequivocally is that there are poverty traps in this city entirely due to that particular tax and those people who are in financial difficulty we do understand the problem they have and we will continue to help .
5 I know that there are gif sites in the states : wuarchive.wustl.edu is one of them .
6 This seems to indicate widespread agreement that there are market failures in R & d which the patent system alone is insufficient to offset .
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