Example sentences of "that we have [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean gender is one issue , but it 's not the only one , and one of the ones that it seems to me that we 've missed out on erm to date , when we 're talking about International Women 's Day , is race .
2 Do n't forget my plectrums ! ’ and the voice of a husband , too , calling after me that we 've run out of Marmite .
3 Erm , having been told that the County Council were running the meeting , I did find it a little difficult to chair , but I do think that we 've come out of it with some constructive ideas .
4 But all the gains that we had made out of labour movement , improvements in working time , improvements in health and safety , equality issues , legal rights all went out of the window , and what has happened to the vast majority of those service jobs ?
5 Very few of the proposals that we have set out in the preceding sections will be successful unless Britain is prepared to work in partnership within the Community .
6 You 're asked to support the general move , that we have set out from this report , and you 're asked to agree to St Clements and East Ward , and I think we 've heard Mandy and Phil acknowledge that there may well be a case for looking at an area of council housing , which we will leave them to do , and also to approve the set of objectives , which I particularly welcome , on page sixty-two and sixty-three , which will amount to a work programme , which I would have thought we were all very pleased to see .
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