Example sentences of "that she could [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was not that she could n't contemplate marriage to anyone other than Will .
2 She knew she was falling in love with this man ; she felt certain that she could n't resist him ; but she also knew that she could n't treat Louise in this way .
3 It was then that she could n't put Fen out of her mind .
4 Breeze turned to her sister , realizing that she could not shield Roger much longer .
5 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
6 Her father had a chronic heart condition as a result of which Pamela had come to feel that she could not discuss problems with him .
7 It terrified her , that she could so lose control in the arms of this man who was everything she despised , who despised her , who wanted her for what he thought she was .
8 ‘ Of course I 'll come back to the Dordogne to see you , ’ Jenna promised , knowing as she said it that she could never face Alain again .
9 She once told me that she could never commit suicide because of her curiosity about what was going to happen next .
10 He had been warning Matilda , reminding her that she could still threaten Edmund 's safety to ensure Isabel 's obedience .
11 Except that she could still see Julius in every drawing .
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