Example sentences of "that she [modal v] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The medical social worker said that she would request a home help for Mr Brown and also Meals-on-Wheels several times a week .
2 It was degrading even to contemplate that she would feel an obligation towards him .
3 Killion spread his hands on the table , in the hope that she would rest an arm within stroking range .
4 She had a breach to heal , and although she was the sufferer , in more ways than one , she was determined that she would do the healing .
5 Her victory meant that she would face the Republican nominee , Senator Pete Wilson , in what many predicted would be the most expensive gubernatorial election ever held .
6 The last thing on Anne Simonsen 's mind was that she would end the evening being drenched with a glass of rum and coke and would become the femme fatale in a low-budget ‘ B ’ movie called Hampden Babylon .
7 She angrily warned that she would quit a resort 's big night if the woman did n't stop filming her .
8 She promised herself , however , that she would hold the office only briefly , and now that her husband Stan has retired , she feels that she can no longer involve herself to so great an extent in commitments and activities that take her away from home .
9 She flirted outrageously , promising that she would secure an interview for him with the Queen but she always seemed to fail .
10 She decided that she would make a phone call just to check that Jenny had left home and knew the right time of her arrival .
11 They decided on the following Friday for the party and Lee said that she would make a chicken and pasta and fruit and nut salad and make borscht and buy black bread and invite Philippa and Conrad if Larry would buy cheese and wine and serviettes and invite two friends of his own .
12 But before that she would make a cup of tea and read for a bit .
13 She thought , child of an experimental scientist that she was , that she would make the test for herself and not take the easy way out of asking those experts in all matters Anglican , Theodora and Ian .
14 Before she went she shared with the fellowship group a vision the Lord had given her that she would meet a group of Christians who were asking for help with teaching and counselling .
15 It was unfortunate that she would meet the traveller at the darkest point of the path .
16 Clearly he hardly believed that she would stay the course .
17 She thought that she would leave the train at the next station , Swiss Cottage , even if this made her late for her meeting with Daphne , due to take place at one .
18 Pictures of Lorna Lewis picnicking in pedal pushers , marrying in white and christening her baby daughters counterpointed these triumphs , and the couple , who lived their lives from the outside in , saw themselves looking happy in magazines and believed they were happy , although the combination of Hitchcock and post-natal depression persuaded Lorna to announce that she would take a year off to devote herself to her family .
19 She smoothed her hair and her gown , and indicated with a notable lack of enthusiasm that she would receive the visitor .
20 She was shocked herself , but that shock was muted by the greater shock of realising that even now she was not certain that she would keep the appointment she had made for the morning .
21 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
22 A fucking pin to kill you , but he wished , this tumbling day , Winnie in the room , that she would get a move on .
23 But he stopped that when there was speculation that she would get a cabinet post if he won .
24 Her supervisor and other friends in the Faculty encouraged her to think that she would get an appointment at Cambridge eventually if she could hang on .
25 However , with youthful if foolish optimism she had proudly assured him that she would find a solution to the problem .
26 Now , watching her , I thought that Fatima might , at this girl 's behest , change her life , her ways , and I wondered what she would do if she was hearing that she would find no husband , have no children , lose her life to Leviathan .
27 Anxious , more likely , that she would become a nuisance again , would let Mr Landor down or cause trouble over Ferdinando being taken away .
28 Since his meeting with her that morning she had learned that she would become the owner of the business and premises .
29 Belinda thrilled at once to the beauty of it all , and knew that she would enjoy the opportunity of finding out more about where all these lovely things came from … if she took the job , she reminded herself hastily , just as Dr Russell had recently done , even while she suspected that the matter was a foregone conclusion .
30 " The sepoys are very quiet , " the Collector called to Harry conversationally to stop him weeping , because now Lucy was starting and he was afraid that she would spoil the powder by dropping tears into the flask .
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