Example sentences of "that he have [vb pp] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Did that mean she actually did have a choice , that he 'd given up the idea of evicting her ?
2 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
3 When her mentor , Louis Leakey , sent out the young photographer Hugo Van Lawick to photograph the chimpanzees at Gombe , he wrote to Vanne that he 'd found just the husband for Jane .
4 He realised that he 'd opened up a can of worms .
5 The back-channel reports on DEA operations that he had transmitted twice a week from his arrival in Cyprus were on file in a classified computer data bank , codenamed EMERALD , at Bolling Airforce Base , near Washington , and the first order of business upon his return was a systematic debriefing at a hotel near Fort Meade to fill in the gaps .
6 He made several internal calls then announced , somewhat relieved , that he had tracked down the porter who had overseen the off-loading of the freight train the previous day .
7 Hastily he redirected his attention towards the circular screen that he had hung on the wall in place of an oil painting of some horned , scaly jungle monster .
8 When my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister opened the debate , he made it clear that he had sensed right the mood of the House and of the British people .
9 Remember that he says he then , in his fright at what he had done , went to peer at his victim , and found that he had struck down the wrong man .
10 Cross-examined by Bert Kerrigan , QC , for Murray , Mr Mackie denied that he had made up a pack of lies because he held a grudge against his former boss .
11 It also transpired that he had done virtually no mathematics .
12 It was carved into planes of rugged indifference , though the blue eyes that blazed at Charity were filled with cynical censure that left her in no doubt that he had heard almost every word Mandy had uttered about him .
13 Despite Hekmatyar 's public avowal that his war was with the Uzbek militia and not with other mujaheddin groups , analysts were agreed that he had stepped up the military pressure against the government to prevent Rabbani from consolidating his position and marginalizing the Hezb-i-Islami .
14 He fought his own despairs and his own bitternesses , and he had believed that he had built up an inner tranquillity and a strength , so that he was armoured against the lure of any woman .
15 Manager Trevor Francis confirmed yesterday that he had turned down the huge offer from Toulon .
16 The government had already been damaged when on July 12 a judge ruled that the Army Commander-in-Chief and former Sandinista leader Gen. Humberto Ortega Saavedra could face court martial on charges that he had covered up the murder of a 16-year-old youth by his bodyguards in October 1990 .
17 The first being that he had driven such motor cars before , and the second that he had consumed only the barest minimum of champagne .
18 Again , she had plenty of opportunity to turn tail and run , to prove to him somehow , somewhere , some way , that he had got entirely the wrong idea about her .
19 External Affairs Minister Madhavsinh Solanki resigned on March 31 after admitting that he had handed over a note to his Swiss counterpart , René Felber , requesting the Swiss government to slow down its investigations into pay-offs to high-ranking Indian officials allegedly deposited into Swiss bank accounts by the Swedish armaments company AB Bofors [ see pp. 35336 ; 35382 ] .
20 He was very small , sandy-haired , sharp-featured and with his sense of smell so well developed that it was rumoured that he had sniffed out a suicide in Epping Forest even before the animal predators got to it .
21 Interesting that he had married precisely the sort of girl he would have married had he stayed at home .
22 Meanwhile , in February 1992 , then UK Trade and Industry Secretary Peter Lilley announced that he had set up a steering group of leading businessmen to consider a prestigious new National Quality Award for the United Kingdom .
23 In the two day court case McMurdo argued that he had set up the deal whilst McClair was his client .
24 He also told Miss Slater , then 25 , that he had set up an electrical circuit to the box and if she moved she would be electrocuted .
25 Despite denials from both parties , managing director Garry Hawkes FHCIMA withdrew his nomination for presidency of the HCIMA in order to concentrate on business , and a few months later the story circulating was that he had put together a management buyout package .
26 He lifted his collar philosophically , leaned against the hardier Theatre bills that he had stuck there the day before , and lit his pipe .
27 He was sorry that he had brought up the subject and hastily departed for his shower , shouting that he would tell her while he was dressing .
28 In a secret interview before his capture Abenina claimed that he had brought together the forces of Gregorio " Gringo " Honasan , the officer cashiered for his part in an earlier coup attempt in 1987 , and groups led by a Marcos loyalist , Brig. -Gen .
29 However , another fisherman later claimed that he had dredged up the same body a few months earlier and , in the process of trying to recover it , the head had come off in his hands .
30 It was because Mrs Strawson was five minutes late — behaviour he made no demur at , though he would have refused to see a National Health patient who failed to turn up on time — that he had picked up the Standard and seen that paragraph .
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