Example sentences of "that he be more [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On top of the unenthusiastic reviews for his last three movies , there appeared , at the same time , an article by Pauline Kael called ‘ Notes on New Actors , New Movies ’ in The New Yorker , in which she wrote : ‘ Dustin Hoffman has become such a culture hero that one hesitates to point out that he 's more relaxed and likeable on TV talk shows than when he 's acting .
2 Upon his release after 26 years in jail he will discover that he is more free than either his wife , Albertina , or his journalist son , Zwelakhe , who are both ‘ restricted ’ by the authorities under the long-standing state of emergency .
3 All through this conversation he had the impression that Frank no longer sneered ; and as he went back to Liverpool he was sure that he was more tolerant and sympathetic and ‘ was willing to grant that there was some sense in some of the things which I longed for him to share ’ .
4 Now realizing that he was more approachable and understanding than I had supposed , I felt an affection for him which increased each time I met him .
5 Aware now that he was more naked than the other man he turned to the bed , and dragged a sheet off it to cover himself with .
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