Example sentences of "that he [was/were] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He said that he did it because everybody wanted him to do it , and he even agreed with me that bits were like Simon and Garfunkel and it sounded like a hundred songs written before , and admitted that he was cashing in on the moon landing but thought he could make some money doing it .
2 The youngsters were so delighted when the final whistle went that they all jumped on the luckless coach , bruising his ribs so badly that he was ruled out of the next weekend 's third team fixture .
3 Court Four of the Royal Courts of Justice in London was packed with judges and barristers to hear the support lent to Lord Lane , who announced in February that he was stepping down at the age of 73 , 18 months before the compulsory retirement age for judges .
4 President Arístides Maria Pereira announced at an extraordinary congress of the PAICV on July 26 , 1990 , that he was stepping down as party leader as a first step towards the ending of one-party rule , declaring that the President had to be above party politics .
5 On May 16 Karl Otto Pöhl , 61 , announced that he was stepping down as president of the Deutsche Bundesbank , although his second eight-year term [ see p. 35724 ] was not due to expire until end-1995 .
6 In December 1991 had Jawara announced that he was stepping down as President , a position which he had held since independence .
7 Lewis knew very well he should not do this , that he was sucking up to someone for the sake of inheriting his property .
8 It was simply out of duty to his only child that he was venturing out at all .
9 She sensed that he was holding back with a massive effort , suppressing his own hunger with iron discipline .
10 And go home after the programme with a brown suitcase crammed with Eccles cakes that he was taking back with him .
11 And go home after the programme with a brown suitcase crammed with Eccles cakes that he was taking back with him .
12 The days of smoking a pipe suddenly came back to him , and he realized that he was biting down on his own teeth .
13 In that case of Appleford ( Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 ) there was a mandamus brought , to restore him to his fellowship : it was returned , that by the statutes of the college , for misdemeanour they had a power to turn him out ; and that the Bishop of Winchester was visitor , and that he was turned out pro crimine enormi , and had appealed to the bishop , who confirmed the expulsion ; and the particular cause was not returned : I was of counsel for the college , and we omitted the cause in the return for that reason , because indeed it was not so true as it should have been .
14 Frankish annals record that Eardwulf visited Charlemagne and Pope Leo III and that he was escorted back by imperial and papal envoys and re-established in his kingdom in 808 .
15 Meanwhile Sgt. Harry Ayre recorded that he was shot down after ten minutes in the air .
16 One theory held that he was fed up with being called ‘ Manstead ’ and wanted to confuse people into using his first name instead .
17 Jefferson resigned from Downton International shortly afterwards , and put it about that he was fed up with working with such a large company .
18 Raising her unwilling eyes to his , she saw that he was looking down at her intently , his grey eyes shadowed , a slight twist to his lips , as if he was trying to read her face .
19 Then , realising that he was looking down into her face while waiting for her to say something , she nodded her head as she said , ‘ A fine proposal this is , I must say . ’
20 In the hypothetical case of his son and daughter Gandhi would consider that he was acting out of moral considerations in taking his son 's life in order to save him from unnecessary suffering , and his daughter 's life in order to save her from the threat of violation .
21 Now that he was getting on in years he wanted to take things just that little bit easy , not see patient after patient , cramming in as many as possible , but space them out — eight , ten a day was enough — for with his practice so long established and his clientele so solid he could n't imagine any reason to fear blanks in his appointments book .
22 Leith had been at G Vasey Ltd for two months when Sebastian , with his usual exuberance , came home from his travel agent 's job and told her that he was flying off to India on Friday for a holiday .
23 He still had a lot more to write but , considering that he was bowing out with Telemachus , he thought that he would not leave a negligible oeuvre behind him .
24 The Shah said that he was staying on for a while , not flying immediately either to the States back to Egypt .
25 In the following year a BBC man who came to Bishopthorpe to have a brains trust in the house was shocked to discover that there was no television set in the house and told him that he was cut off from the experience of millions of his countrymen .
26 My ! that would be something to cope with , if it got round the unit that he was going up to Lemon 's place .
27 He could n't believe this was happening to him — that he was going out with Kate and that the whole world could see it .
28 But he probably could n't believe his luck that he was going out with you that night .
29 He went back into the flat , grabbed his coat , told an astonished Frau Nordern that he was going out for a moment and , without waiting for any protests , dashed out and joined Bodo at the foot of the stairs .
30 She knew that he had tried to give her the impression that he was going off on a promiscuous adventure and expected this to arouse in her both admiration and jealousy , but as Lydia 's misdemeanours were more of the spirit than of the flesh she found promiscuity not merely sinful but foolish and disgusting .
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