Example sentences of "that he [vb past] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , I was riveted by the speech of the hon. Member for Taunton ( Mr. Nicholson ) , who welcomed a measure that he thought was in the Queen 's Speech .
2 Everyone would know he 'd become Rosa 's suitor , now that he 'd been to the house and paid a call after meeting her secretly at night .
3 In the week that he 'd been at the helm of the Anpetuwi ship there had been a remarkable change in atmosphere .
4 This was the first time that he had been past the big covered back porch of her house , and everything was new and interesting .
5 Mr Aichi had had to withdraw his candidature for the governorship of Miyagi prefecture when it was revealed that he had been on the take .
6 He fervently denied that he had been at the scene of the murders or had been in any way involved .
7 There were found footprint evidences that young Brown had crossed and recrossed Hunder Beck , that he had been at the top of the high moor , and he was traced half way back , with probably thirty-six sheep which were recovered on Sunday .
8 And she knew that he had been to The Bar over thirty times in seven weeks now .
9 ‘ I did n't know you were religious , Balvinder , ’ surprised by his admission that he had been to the gurdwara .
10 Every time that he had been inside the Citadel he went home as soon as his day 's work was finished and scrubbed his body from toe to scalp .
11 It was possible that he had been in the Rolls with his father on the Sunday night .
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