Example sentences of "that i be [verb] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Tell the desk-sergeant that I am looking into it . ’
2 And whilst they 're sailing across this little lake there in the evening a sudden storm blows up , now in the version of the bible that I 'm reading from it says there that , er that is was a fierce storm , other versions will er , give different e , different expressions , it was a fierce , sorry , a fierce gale of wind .
3 I think it 's because I 'm being made to do physics that I 'm rebelling against it .
4 I let it be known I was n't really interested in going out again , and hoped they 'd get the message — that I was finished with it . ’
5 I remembered it quite clearly now that I was walking towards it .
6 I do feel that I was introduced into it perhaps gradually erm on on a on the retail side er but sales is gon na be my career with .
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