Example sentences of "that you [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Is it that ye ca n't manage the farm with yer Da away , and ye want me to take charge .
2 If you balance , tape recordering , but , but you notice one particular piece that you would rather do an essay on rather than that bit there .
3 They 're aware that you would n't want a bunch of dickheads like them moving in next door , as ‘ Neighbor ’ makes clear .
4 ‘ As a matter of fact , I had taken it for granted that you would n't want a boring old fart like me trailing after you round Siena . ’
5 ‘ Penry , ’ she said , frowning , ‘ are you saying you — well , that you would n't want a relationship with me if I were frigid , like Melanie ? ’
6 ‘ And there was I , in Prague , thinking that you would n't discuss the interview then and there because you were drained from working so long without a break . ’
7 Now on twenty two and a half thousand , bearing in mind that you would n't have the costs of going to work erm your travelling expenses and everything that you would occur in work you would most probably be able to keep all of these
8 Can we take it Mr that you would therefore apply the same comments to sector six on this criterion , as you did to the freestanding criterion ?
9 ‘ But you said … you told me that you would never exhibit the picture .
10 And all the rime you knew that you would never take the risk of getting shot which this involved or have the necessary patience to carry it out .
11 Erm I found the , the greeting and the appropriate sociability to start with very hesitant but I think that was most probably just nerves on your part Robert , I do n't think it was something that you would usually have a problem with .
12 If you do n't have a spare or your spare is of the wrong type this does n't mean that you ca n't fit an extra drive .
13 She adds : ‘ Even if you feel at times that you ca n't face the extra work in the kitchen that Christmas seems to involve , it 's worth making the extra effort once a year .
14 And if you ca n't organize yourself at work then it 's a ten to a penny that you ca n't organize the other bits either .
15 ‘ It 's true that you ca n't blame an animal for its nature , but it 's also true that they do a lot of harm .
16 There 's a little old rhyme about sowing crops which accepts that you ca n't expect the maximum potential from a crop every time — you 've got to allow something for the other occupants of the land and it goes :
17 The idea behind it is that you ca n't achieve a total look with one brand but must combine products from both ends of the market for a contemporary image .
18 Jock Bruce-Gardyne and Nigel Lawson quote ‘ a senior member ’ of the committee summing up its conclusion thus : ‘ even then we thought it was going to ruin us ; but also that you ca n't control the march of science ’ .
19 had they been suing then that would of been met with a defence er counter claim settle and so on , erm and that would of been the answer that you ca n't enforce the claim under clause nine because it 's void , we did n't , we therefore ca n't , there 's no duty to keep the agent in funds , sue it to clause nine , it been a void clause
20 So I settled for the fact that you ca n't devote the time which I feel you would need to give to the job .
21 What affected my career was having children , which immediately means that you ca n't devote the amount of time to your career as you can if you do n't have other responsibilities , and the reason that I 'm now a Research Fellow here , and I work part-time — only eighty per cent of the time — is because of trying to tie in one 's responsibilities as a mother with those as a scientist , and this has obvious effects .
22 " It 's not like other sports , in that you ca n't watch a tournament unfold in front of you .
23 It was a coup d'etat. ’ -Margaret Thatcher ‘ As for the leaders of the former Alliance parties , I will say no more than this : they have never learned what every woman knows — that you ca n't make a souffle rise twice . ’
24 The first point is that you ca n't make a meaningful choice of subjects without adequate information .
25 That argues that you ca n't make the weather interesting all the time .
26 Does erm , Brian now that you ca n't clear the cheque ?
27 Other than that the neck feels really good and solid , and although it 's of the slim , wide variety ( 43.75mm at nut ) the fingerboard is n't so wide that you ca n't wrap a thumb over the top if you 're so inclined .
28 So why ca n't you take the part Is it all a sealed unit that you ca n't get the pump apart ?
29 Once again , you have a case which asks for an answer divided into two main sections , which means that you ca n't use the classic problem-solving structure .
30 What this illustrates is that you ca n't take an institution at face value any more and certainly should n't select or dismiss an institution on your ( or your parents ' ) first impression .
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