Example sentences of "that it can be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The advantage of presenting the play in this way is that it can be done with a small cast in modern dress with simple rehearsal props and furniture and limited sound and lighting .
2 It is clearly written , and although it emphasises that much can be done , it in no way suggests that it can be done with little effort or time .
3 Erm er it 's er it 's obviously annoying for me personally , er but the worst thing about it is that it can be done at the drop of a hat , you say , I want information on X. and they say , Yes we can provide .
4 We have proved that it can be done without necessarily having the best players — Haguellar
5 We have proved that it can be done without necessarily having the best players in the world . ’
6 I believe that it can be done without internment .
7 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
8 One of the advantages claimed for this approach to separating off productivity measurement is that it can be done from conventional accounting statements , thereby providing , as Hayzen says , the link between productivity and profit calculations .
9 He says that it can be seen for the next week or so in the west , but it 's too faint to be seen with the naked eye .
10 This means that it can be certified like any other homebuilt , and a pilot with a single engine rating can fly it ( although through an anomaly the time counts as twin time in his or her logbook ) .
11 If you find your new sum insured is not adequate , please let us know so that it can be increased to a more appropriate amount .
12 This is not because of the often quoted ‘ collection of mulm at the front so that it can be syphoned off ’ which simply does n't happen in a properly run undergravel filtered tank .
13 If it is required to cytogenetically demonstrate the activity or otherwise of paternally or maternally derived X chromosomes in cells of fetal origin , the first requirement is to mark one of them so that it can be distinguished from the other one .
14 The van is maintained by the company , but the representative pays for the petrol ( on the premise that it can be offset against tax and it is also a bigger inducement to make a sale ) .
15 Very often assessment of a child 's language is required in order that it can be presented to other professionals who are seeking to help that child .
16 If we have such a low requirement that it can be met from windfalls , small sites and recycling land above commitments , then that is not certainty , that is uncertainty and that is not in my estimation the basis on which the planning system is meant to operate on , so that people can invest with confidence .
17 It analyses and reports on the information recorded , so that it can be transferred to a firm 's billing system .
18 Its appeal is furthered by the fact that it can be electrified by rubbing , a property which has sometimes led to its being referred to as ‘ black amber ’ .
19 The Land Registry will return the original transfer so that it can be lodged with the adjudication section of the Stamp Office within the thirty-day lodging period .
20 It is also true of this experimental procedure , as of the use of a discrimination task , that it can be strengthened by a modification to allow a within-subject comparison .
21 If on the other hand you have access to a colour television set at the place where you are staying , you may be able to use this instead , provided that it can be tuned to your camcorder 's signal output and assuming that it is designed for use on the same television standard as the camcorder , eg UK PAL for machines sold in Great Britain ( see page 153 ) .
22 The Foucauldian equation between knowledge and power is left so general that it can be appropriated by the most tenuously ‘ feminist ’ of psychologies .
23 The advantage of using the disk version is that it can be run on different BBC microcomputers whereas the chip , being inside one microcomputer , is less flexible .
24 The fact that it can be run as a TSR is also a big plus
25 If the information has been divulged to sufficient people so that it can be said to be no longer confidential , an injunction will not be of any help ; it would be like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .
26 There are ways of converting the voice stuff into a more standardised format , so that it can be heard by different systems , but I 've not learnt how to do that yet .
27 A beauty of this game is that it can be played by two players only , and it may help you to bring out unsuspected ability as an implacable interrogator .
28 Usually , it is positioned so that it can be operated by the thumb , and normally one press is needed to start recording and a second press to stop .
29 The big advantage of having a standardized contract is that it can be exchanged between counterparties very easily .
30 The analogy must not be overstretched , but the fact that it can be made at all shows how integrated mass media were into the rhythms and activities of society .
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