Example sentences of "that it 's [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the subject of using the past , making references , it 's just that it 's impossible to evade the past , it 's here , it 's being thrown at you , and you have to deal with it .
2 For the loyalists the purpose is to remain part of the U K and those two are so far apart , those two positions , that it 's impossible to see a bridge between them and that 's the difficulty .
3 I rather suspect that it 's inherent in the very human situation that it 's impossible to give a final and satisfactory account of the relation between the individuality of the individual 's experience and the world .
4 Erm , by hangers-on I mean that there are all the Dukes and the Viscounts and whatever else there is and that whole strata in society , which , I think is English society , erm I mean I know that there are Dukes in Scotland but there are n't so many , and I mean they own quite a lot and I think that it 's impossible to have a classless society because the monarchy perpetuate class divisions .
5 And we need to say that you know I do n't think that it 's criminal to have a gallery but it 's criminal to waste the space some of the time .
6 A seasoned view of Howard 's Way or a Cowes spectator may always have nurtured the dream of sailing a dinghy or crewing a yacht , but any old sea salt worth their grinder will tell you that it 's essential to learn the ropes first from a qualified sailing instructor .
7 And at the same time these voices call for some social sacrifices in the very idealistic belief that it 's better to have the pain all at once and be able to put the operation behind us .
8 It means that you do n't get the good views of the Cove until you 've reached Malham Beck , but I think that it 's better doing the walk this way round than going at it clockwise and having to clamber down the scar .
9 I mean people do n't always agree on what evidence means ; they do n't always agree on what is the best thing to do , erm and I 've developed the idea that it 's possible to do an evaluation that I like to call divergent in the sense that there might be several different things that one might do as a result of it .
10 She says that it 's good to see the children 's abilities stretched .
11 I 'd just like to say that it 's good to have The Sundays back in action after their long break .
12 There are people who feel that it 's great to break the law , and a word of caution , that I feel is important , is that the same group of kids will react against drug programmes in the schools .
13 → We so often receive letters from people slamming companies for poor service , that it 's nice to receive a letter from someone heaping praise upon a manufacturer for a job well done .
14 Dave Edwards , Chair of the National Caving Association 's working party on radon , says that it 's important to put the risk of catching cancer in this way into context .
15 Mm , do you think that it 's important to have a sideboard as a piece of furniture , because a dining room is n't a dining room without a sideboard or ?
16 Merisel Inc has found that it 's easier to rush a catalogue out than to make sure that everything in it is correct , and in a series of schoolboy howlers in the current edition , the name of Conner Peripherals Inc is misspelled , many of its hard disks are described as floppies — and their access times of between 19ms to 1ms are rendered as 19Microsoft to 12Microsoft .
17 I 'm banking on Howarth — and Estabs come to that — concluding that it 's easier to find a forensic biologist than a Document Examiner . "
18 And containing it is extremely expensive and I personally feel that it 's wrong to expect the community at large to go on paying week after week , month after month , year after year er in order to contain a problem which through no fault of its own belongs to the soccer .
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