Example sentences of "that it be the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 It 's not just that it 's the delay in it getting to you anyway .
2 After all , the median voter rule suggests that it is the way in which the middle two voters in the income distribution vote that determines the outcome of a rich or poor majority .
3 And in language which extends the representation in Scale 1 of man 's struggles against sin in terms of the Passion , Hilton says that it is the reformation in faith which enables man to carry the image of sin rather than be carried away by it : For some this reformation in faith is sufficient in itself .
4 The people selling the stuff had never come across haggling before and they were left thinking that it is the norm in western society .
5 Neo-classical economists have stressed that it is the increase in the real money supply and the real balance effect which will lead to an expansion of aggregate demand and so eliminate ERW unemployment .
6 One can not establish that this is the case in one case without establishing that it is the case in all like cases .
7 We have heard evidence that it was the rise in the price of rice , that you approved , which was the final straw .
8 Garland ( 1985a ) suggests that it was the advancement in the standing of ‘ scientific ’ psychiatry ( together with developments in government statistical surveys and data and the provision , by the prison system , of a captive ‘ laboratory ’ for criminological research ) that favoured the emergence of positivist criminology at this particular time .
9 The Christmas rumpus led to unfair and short-sighted predictions that it was the swansong in Frank McAvennie 's eventful career .
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