Example sentences of "that it be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
2 The raw reference material is reorganised so that it is geared to the needs of advice workers and oriented to the problems that clients bring to advice agencies .
3 The genius of our constitution is that it is geared to the real world .
4 The petition must state : ( i ) the amount of the debt ( in sterling , converted from any foreign currency at the official exchange rate at the date of issue of the petition , by analogy with r 6.111 ) , the consideration for it ( or , if there is no consideration , the way in which it arises ) and the fact that it is owed to the petitioner ; ( ii ) when the debt was incurred or became due ; ( iii ) if the debt includes interest or any other charge accruing from time to time , the amount or rate of the charge ( separately identified ) and the grounds upon which it is claimed to form part of the debt provided that , in the case of a petition based upon a statutory demand , only the interest claimed in the demand is included ; ( iv ) that the debt is unsecured , and either that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable immediately and the debtor appears to be unable to pay it , or that the debt is for a liquidated sum payable at some certain future specified time and the debtor appears to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay it .
5 There is a feeling that it is damaging to the community if the uncertainty carries on too long . ’
6 Umberto Eco 's magisterial novel The Name of the Rose ( 1983 ) , for example , plays on the dialectic between the reader 's curiosity about the medieval world and his/her almost total ignorance of it ( funnelled , as Eco explains in his Reflections on the novel , through the observations of the novice Adso ( Eco 1985 : 33–4 ) ; between the sense that the historical world ( the abbey and the cultural and religious context of the time ) is a world of its own and the sense that it is connected to the world of the reader .
7 Members using FTA 's Freightcheck service can be assured that it is operated to the highest standards and specifically ensures compliance with the operator licence obligations .
8 The third feature of English discovery to be noted is that it is limited to the discovery of documents .
9 Half the English and American ladies do n't realize until they 've seen it that it is linked to the Baron , and if we make a feature of that in the advance publicity we can suggest double bookings for consecutive nights .
10 The Bank of Ireland has confirmed that it is adhering to the agreements and has promised to provide the numbers employed to IBOA .
11 The look of the covers is central to the consistency of the brand name , ensuring that each volume conforms to expectations and that it is concocted to the same recipe .
12 Amstrad Plc has confirmed that it is talking to the company about taking on at least one of the products .
13 I think mostly erm , I think that the audits have gone erm , very well actually erm , people are following the procedures and they are at times , they are a little bit slipping up erm , enquiries seem to be an area and filling in the enquiry form properly and making sure that it is copied to the divisional enquiry file erm , a few people fell down on that erm , but in most cases the procedures were followed virtually to a letter .
14 And here is William , medieval scholar , sitting on a park bench , a plaque on the back of which informs the enquiring public that it is dedicated to the memory of a Mrs C. M. Elliott who so loved …
15 The wording of subsection ( 1 ) shows quite clearly that it is addressed to the legal purpose of legal effect of consent to treatment , namely , to prevent such treatment constituting in law a trespass to the person , and that it does so by making the consent of a 16- or 17-year-old as effective as if he were ‘ of full age . ’
16 There is no limit to the effects which can be created using this method , except that it is restricted to the use of plain carpet .
17 I move that it be sent to the environment committee for consideration .
18 VS Naipaul has asked that it be given to the Society of Authors for a writer under 40 working in either biography , cultural history or art history .
19 That it be referred to the meeting in October to consider what means may be most likely to encourage the study of scientific farriery .
20 That it be referred to the same Meeting to open a voluntary subscription to forward such means as may be thought most likely to promote the study of scientific Farriery … ’ .
21 I move that it be referred to the environment committee .
22 I 'd like to move this petition under my name on the green order paper , that it be referred to the environment committee for consideration today .
23 I 'd like to move a petition containing two hundred and forty four signatures and my name on the green order page and I ask that it be referred to the environment committee for consideration .
24 I move a petition containing nine hundred and sixteen signatures under my name on the green order page and I ask that it be referred to the environment committee for consideration .
25 I ask that it be referred to the environment committee for consideration .
26 Can I move that it be referred to the environment er committee .
27 An historic mansion looks set to be sold to a private buyer , despite its owner 's dying wish that it be opened to the public .
28 Mr Watson said : ‘ It is the intention of Coun Garvey as long as he retains control of his private prosecution to seek that it be directed to the crown court on the basis that the allegation against him is heading towards the crown court and it would be sensible to have the two alleged criminal acts tried arising out of the same incident tried before the same court . ’
29 If the human mind had been created in such a way that it was matched to the intelligibility of nature , then the possibility of secure scientific knowledge could be affirmed .
30 One of the last acts of Carcani 's government was the announcement on Feb. 20 that it was acceding to the students ' demand to strip Hoxha 's name from Tirana University .
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