Example sentences of "that it [is] [adv] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I would just like to add something to that , and the fact that it 's not only that women , that , that men are taught that they can rape and they can abuse women , but er that it 's alright !
2 It might save money , but in terms of the environmental impact it is quite disastrous , and I think that it 's only now that the real problems in London for example are coming home to roost , er and I would ask that point to be borne in mind by whoever we decide should make representations to the commissioners .
3 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
4 More radically still , Derrida works at the limits of any possible philosophy of history , arguing that it is not just that the problems of hermeneutics , specifically of interpretation and language , affect historical understanding , but that what in a broad sense he calls writing , or différance , determines history .
5 He argues that it is not just that the long waves each have a different pattern but that regional differentiation , and regional political and social movements , are crucial to the shape of long waves themselves .
6 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
7 In the example quoted , the first line leaves unstated the place to which Israel is to return ; the B-line specifies the full significance of " return " in A. It is true of course that it is not only that the B-line is more specific than the A-line but also that the A is more specific than the B. Such cases do not negate the parallelism of greater precision ; they are a subset of the examples of our feature .
8 Their chief executive , Andy Barton , feels , with some reason one would have to say , that it is n't right that the government should bail out a competitor .
9 All of this can come as no surprise , since one of the greatest difficulties which confronts the medical legal commentator in dealing with the treatment of the terminally ill is that techniques and technology have developed and changed with such rapidity in the past decade or so that it is only vaguely that the problems are perceived , let alone responded to by developing a general consensus in the form of law .
10 My surprise does not arise from the possibility of a Government defeat over the social chapter but from the fact that it is only now that such a story has found its way onto the front pages .
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