Example sentences of "that it [vb past] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In my dreams I was admitting the full implications of my habit of self-denial , that is , that it amounted in effect to life-denial .
2 For many years I have experience severe rain leakage through the canvas tilt on my Series III.1 once made the mistake of coating another vehicle 's tilt with polyurethane paint but the result was that it hung in tatters within a year as it became brittle .
3 The judge , asked to decide as a preliminary point when the cause of action accrued for the purposes of section 9(1) of the Limitation Act 1980 held that it arose on completion of the works required by the notices .
4 To uncouple , the tug drew away and the leg was so balanced that it dropped to earth by gravity : if this leg was , through any reason tight , and it failed to function , the trailer fell to the ground , and so cast its load .
5 PC-Xware replaces NCD 's existing PC-Xview for Windows package that it acquired for $5m from the GSS division of Spectragraphics a year or more ago .
6 The belief that self-validation was not an ideal system and that it prevailed in universities for historical reasons only .
7 WG claims that it overpaid for Alkar by almost £2m , and that it subsequently poured £11.2m into the company in an attempt to rescue it .
8 I became really depressed because no matter how much I loved my children or tried to take care of them , I could neither keep the doctor at bay or the fungus that was destroying everything that it came into contact with .
9 Wherever we see an ancient town church without a churchyard , we may well suspect that the town is the daughter of some mother village near by — now completely overshadowed by its offspring — and that it came into existence at a comparatively late date , since the Norman Conquest anyway , and most probably in the twelfth or thirteenth century .
10 One of the many reactions to the decision of the House of Lords in Caldwell ( 1982 ) was that it went against DPP v.
11 The strength of the institution can be seen in the fact that it lasted for generations in the sugar estates , despite social changes taking place around it .
12 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
13 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
14 The talks had been postponed in February because the government claimed that the CNGSB had not defined its position , that its delegation contained no leaders " with full powers to commit all parties " , and that it persisted with attacks on oil installations and townships .
15 Those who were not wearing helmets let their hair flow freely , so that it moved like seaweed in the ventilation breeze near the roof .
16 A 15 ml bolus of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) was instilled into the oesophagus using the proximal port of the manometry catheter so that it arrived at cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter .
17 When the name was officially changed the term ‘ non-objective ’ fell into general disfavour , possibly because of a public mis-perception that it referred to art without a purpose .
18 first , that it was a consequence of competition between members of the same sex rather than between members of different sexes or species ; and , second , that it depended on variation in reproductive success rather than survival .
19 It had struck Dougal at the time that Lorton 's view of patriotism was more than old-fashioned : it was positively feudal , in that it depended on loyalty to a single person .
20 However , although it is very likely that the British industrial revolution would have occurred without these funds , it is difficult to imagine that Britain would have achieved the kind of scale and pace of industrial development that it did without access to these funds and to the markets provided by the colonies .
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