Example sentences of "that a [noun sg] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Let us assume , for example , that a budget is agreed for a department and includes depreciation ( or capital charges ) of £12,000 for the year .
2 The use of a software package such as ‘ Office Power ’ with the ability to generate on-line a standard response to correspondence would dramatically improve the response time in dealing with most enquiries from individual and ensure that a response is made within a matter of days .
3 In the convention used here , a plus sign signifies that a response was obtained at onset at that position , a minus sign that a response occurred at offset , and O means that no response was obtained there or outside that position .
4 Sarah Hughes mentioned that a response was needed from the Union to Tim Mould 's paper on career development/equal opportunities .
5 Suppose that a contract is made for the provision of a network to link individual computers together , a term in the contract stating that the network will support at least 16 microcomputers .
6 This endorsement should be added when we have insisted that a safe be installed at the home to improve security , usually when the policy covers a lot of valuable jewellery .
7 a false indication that a price is expected to be increased or reduced or maintained ( whether or not for a particular period ) ;
8 It would be idle to deny that great progress was made ; but equally idle to deny that a price was paid for it .
9 It was difficult to accept that a dream was finished for ever .
10 If the context shows that a word is used in an unusual sense the court will determine in other words what that unusual sense is .
11 In some cases evidence may be admitted to show that a word is used in a technical or local meaning .
12 No weapons were visible , although Alexei guessed that a dagger was sheathed in Jotan 's sleeve .
13 To the extent that a thesis is regarded as an original contribution to knowledge , the thesis is normally an author 's first knowledge claim ; an assertion of ownership of the intellectual property contained in it .
14 It 's also true that a company is judged by the people it keeps .
15 First , that a system is headed by a president does not mean that the system is presidential !
16 ( c ) Procedure for transfer Any party to proceedings may request that a case be transferred to another family proceedings court or to a county court ( FPCR , r6 ) .
17 Both parties requested that a case be stated for the opinion of the High Court .
18 The length of coverage is taken to be the number of days that a case is mentioned during the search stage .
19 Given a DC title , the procedure PI_CREATE_DC will request that a DC be created in LIFESPAN with that title .
20 Some materials , such as stone or wood , are largely subtractive , in that there is a natural substance from which parts are taken away , through chipping , sawing and other means , to create the finished artefact ; while others , such as cast metal or clay , are additive , in that a quantity is utilized in a plastic state which can take the shape of a template or mould .
21 If we turn first to the best-known Tudor textbook , the so-called ‘ Royal Grammar ’ originally produced by Lily and Colet for St Paul 's School , but becoming virtually ubiquitous after a proclamation by Edward VI in 1548 ordering its use in all grammar schools — it was undoubtedly used by Shakespeare — we find that a pronoun is said to be ‘ a parte of speeche , much lyke to a noune , whyche is used in shewyng or rehersyng ’ .
22 For instance : is the test of a democracy the fact that a government is elected by the votes of the people ?
23 The amazing Dr Dichter made one of his most celebrated discoveries for the automobile industry : that a man is seduced into the showrooms by a ‘ mistress ’ ( a convertible ) but comes out having settled for a ‘ wife ’ ( a saloon or sedan ) .
24 Lyle issued orders that a marquee be erected in his back garden and on Monday night there was a party , the food being funnelled in as on a conveyor belt from a nearby Chinese restaurant .
25 Hegel believed that a substance was exhausted by the sum of its predicates , which is another way of saying that he identified the categories of the German language with those of abstract thought , and those of abstract thought , in turn with those of Mind or Geist .
26 I have to report that a bed was damaged during our stay .
27 As far as the extent of this limited edition being only 200 is concerned , my only reservations are outlined above : namely that a guitar is designed to be used and not coveted wholly as an objet d'art to be hung on the wall , which I suspect is exactly where the bulk of these models are likely to end up .
28 For our purposes , the distinction could be that a diary is written at the time of the event , memoirs are a writer 's recollections of a particular period ( perhaps aided by diaries ) in which he was not necessarily the central character , while an autobiography is an attempt to give a systematic and chronological record of the author 's life , with himself at the centre of the story .
29 Reiterating earlier calls from Czech leaders , he proposed that a referendum be held on the issue .
30 The controversy over criteria for granting Latvian citizenship flared up again at the end of March , when President Anatolijs Gorbunovs proposed that a referendum be held on the issue [ for October and November 1991 controversy see p. 38585 ] .
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