Example sentences of "that be [adv] [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The 1990 Report discusses a number of consequential matters that are yet to be decided , including assistance for the deaf ; the preservation of , access to , and use of the television archives ; and the provision of a television feed to Members ' rooms .
2 For the Christian , it is natural that God should become a person at the Incarnation rather than a dog or a stone , not necessarily because persons are somehow more technically advanced on a scale of being , but because they display the qualities that are most to be valued .
3 Talking principally about the adult education market and the private language schools where ‘ business ’ English is much in demand , he says : ‘ There are lots of gaps that are there to be filled . ’
4 The stringings of some of the instruments that the authors include in the category of ‘ fairly full evidence ’ seem fragmentary and ambiguous because the majority of strings that are there to be measured are considered to be replacements of non-original diameters .
5 There are certain problems that must be solved ( childcare is number one ) , certain inequalities , both in the workplace and home , that are still to be ironed out , but in your personal lives you know precisely where you are going .
6 There is no point in having to wait weeks for the concrete scaffolders , nor is there any point in having the site cluttered with pipes that are only to be needed later .
7 ‘ My good fortune lay in working with great men who were patient with me and taught me good habits that were never to be forgotten .
8 Then capping it all is a ceiling of absolute if intricate formality , a prelude and preparation to the first floor rooms that were never to be worked .
9 If it is a boiler that is also to be used for central heating , the best position will probably be in the kitchen on an outside wall .
10 The statement explained that war resistance was appropriate only if the Government engaged in military action unsanctioned by the League — a qualification that is nowhere to be found in Trevelyan 's resolution .
11 They see only the work that is still to be done .
12 Whether the production work sharing is something that is still to be decided er at the start of that phase but on the equipment , we were er originally entitled to thirty three percent of the common equipment er when we last gave evidence to the committee the U K work share for equipment stood at some thirty six percent of those that had been selected at that time .
13 The drawing suggests the type of investment situation that is often to be found in high-technology investment .
14 Erm so I I 'm confident that the job that 's there to be done , in Greater Manchester West , I will be able to do er to my satisfaction , hopefully to the party 's as well .
15 The inference that was clearly to be drawn from their study was that land reform/land redistribution was the critical factor in the peasant problem : even if the peasants ' lot could be improved by less drastic means .
16 It was mild by contrast with some of his later invective , but it marked the beginning of a year that was soon to be darkened by violence , malice and crime .
17 ‘ All I can say though is that whatever happens it will be my decision , ’ she said , revealing the determination and single-mindedness that was later to be turned against her .
18 Feelings were thought to be strong , on either side , about the sentence that was now to be carried out .
19 Its significance rested upon its ability to censure the High Authority and to demand its collective resignation , a blunt sanction that was never to be applied .
20 It was a debt that was never to be repaid by the politicians or the generals of both sides , no matter how many red poppies were later bought or how many ‘ Last Posts ’ were sounded on dismal anniversaries .
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