Example sentences of "that it [modal v] not [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Hermann Yameogo , leader of the Alliance for Democracy and Federation , said that it would not confirm any presidential candidates until a national conference was held .
2 It has it in writing from the LTA that it would not favour any tender from Tretorn for its Category A tournaments .
3 It made clear that elections to a constitution-drafting constituent assembly should be held in mid-1993 or by the end of the year at the latest , and that it would not tolerate any party which lost this election " paralysing " the elected government .
4 While the rump Collective State Presidency had said the previous day that it would not accept any decision reached by the peace conference , of the six republics attending the conference , Serbia was the only one to reject the proposals ; even Montenegro accepted , provoking internal political disputes in that republic .
5 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
6 Jordan was still receiving 40 per cent of its oil supplies from Iraq , but the government affirmed in October that it would not increase this amount .
7 A formal Iraqi undertaking not to interfere with helicopter inspections , issued to the UN Security Council on Sept. 24 , appeared subsequently to have been withdrawn after the government informed the Security Council on Sept. 26 that it would not endorse such inspections until further discussions with the UN-IAEA commission .
8 This implies that the vendor is representing itself as an insurer whereas the real claim is the full value of the damages suffered by the breach of contract ; ( d ) ensuring the purchaser acknowledges it has not relied on any representation other than those incorporated in the sale agreement and that it shall not have any right to rescind the sale agreement .
9 Adopting a Formalist approach to the nineteenth-century realist novel would certainly involve a thorough-going change of mental habit , and the critic would have to work harder than s/he does when reading Joyce to see round the fabula and the realistic motivation ; but this is not to say that it might not produce some interesting results .
10 Coun Caroline Seymour told the full council that it should not offer any preferred route to the public inquiry due in May .
11 That is why it will try to con the public that it will not repeal most of the trade union reforms that we have made in the past 12 years .
12 All copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Work and in the Converted Text of the Work are the property of and are reserved to , and agrees that it will not commit any act of infringement or misappropriation with respect to the Work or the Converted Text of the Work .
13 Given such easy money , he says , researchers do not have to give so much thought to their grant proposal , as they know that it will not face such a rigorous peer review .
14 Every year that I have been Minister with responsibility for housing — it is now six years — the Housing Executive has suggested an amount which it hopes that the Government will give it , while knowing perfectly well that it will not get all that it asks for .
15 The Commission has stated that it will not use these powers in respect of mergers with a worldwide turnover of less than 2,000 million ecu and a Community turnover of less than 100 million ecu ( that is between approximately £1400 million and £700 million ) .
16 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
17 Think about it and you 'll see that it can not score more than its ‘ opponent ’ in any particular game because it never defects except in retaliation .
18 That is apart from the fact that it can not fill any holes in its Picasso , Matisse or Henry Moore collections .
19 Compaq 's success in Japan could be marred only by reports that it can not produce enough to meet new demand in Japan — a major industrial company has been unable to get the high-end computer-aided design workstation machine it ordered for around three months now , and hears that the plants are focussed on producing low-cost hardware rather than high-performance models .
20 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
21 The head of the Bonn Chancellery , Rudolf Seiters , said the West German government had made it clear that it could not make any concessions regarding its embassies in other countries and that no East German would be turned away from any West German mission abroad .
22 At its official relaunch , the new party leadership promised to field at least 250 candidates , and to concentrate on " politically interesting " seats , although it admitted that it could not win any .
23 On 30 August , the RCM announced that it could not accept any more refugee children .
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