Example sentences of "that it [modal v] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the buoyant Lewis camp have not given up hope of staging the Holyfield fight here , they estimate that it would cost them a massive £17.5m purse to do it .
2 He notes further to the comments above that while the substitution of will in ( 16 ) " would merely say that it would cost him a fortune if he took them home " ( idea of conditionality ) , the be going to construction expresses the idea of a " current orientation " towards the realization of the infinitive 's event ( here the speaker 's intention to take the books home ) .
3 If only he could pick up the rock and hurl it , defiantly , to reciprocate the violence with such a true aim , that it would smash whatever the chosen target .
4 If the utilitarian looks at it in this way , he takes it as a criterion for an acceptable use of ethical words , and way of understanding moral judgement , that it should give them a factual content which is the only one which it is sensible to expect people in general to endorse as a sensible guide to acceptable conduct .
5 The ones who really enjoy it play the sporting card for all it 's worth ; the others pray that it will render them a touch more human .
6 It is , however , equally true that Parliament can not stop Frenchmen smoking on the streets of Paris ( or , for that matter , Englishmen smoking on the streets of London ) and that it can make it a crime for a man not to turn into a woman .
7 The other thing about celebrity , of course , is that it can earn you a decent living — although usually only after years of struggle , as with most jobs .
8 They had heard the unnatural humming of a pylon in the summer air ; and had actually gone beneath it , on Fiver 's assurance that it could do them no harm .
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