Example sentences of "that have [been] [verb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So once again its , its , its your responsibility to complain about the ill that has been done to you , yes .
2 Does the hon. Gentleman have the grace to accept that that is clear evidence of the damage that has been done to our economy by a Government who have no industrial policy ?
3 Will my hon. Friend therefore give me an undertaking that he will visit Dartford early in the new year , or on Christmas day if need be , to see for himself the damage that has been done to our river and how much has been lost ?
4 That is not the advice that has been given to me .
5 And the la I think the last paragraph which is er refers to some advice that has been given to you .
6 A few receive the justice that has been denied to them for five centuries , but most are still viewed by their governments as third-class citizens , subversive activists and threats to ‘ national security ’ .
7 Now politics has to be reinvented to make parties and programmes and politicians capable of understanding the message that has been sent to them in the spring of 1992 .
8 I appeal to the Leader of the House to ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science to do what he has been asked repeatedly , during and before the debate , to do — publish the survey information that has been sent to him by colleges of further education .
9 W what I go for are two major points I think which actually demonstrate the fallaciousness of this budget that has been proposed to us as an amendment .
10 Although I realise that he can not know of a particular incident that has been drawn to my attention today , is he aware that information has been sent to deceased claimants , thus causing a great deal of distress to the families concerned ?
11 I AM writing on behalf of the ships company of HMS Active , and in particular the Petty Officers ' mess , to formally thank the city of Liverpool for the excellent hospitality that has been shown to us during our visit .
12 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
13 Nothing that has been submitted to us has raised any doubt in my mind but that Phillips J. dealt with all those points entirely correctly .
14 In the first place , says Freud , the child wo n't obey any longer , necessarily , because now he 's got nothing to fear , and secondly , a child might resent the lie that has been told to him .
15 Viktor Korovin , who was elected director of Uralmash by its workforce last summer , says that its ‘ financial situation is very complicated ’ , by which he means that few of the company 's heavy-industrial clients can afford to pay for the machinery that has been delivered to them .
16 I want to ensure that the genuine claims of those who are in need are dealt with properly , promptly and accurately , I do not want campaigns to be organised on the basis that people sign a piece of paper that has been delivered to them by a welfare rights organisation .
17 " Guard the truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit " , writes Paul to Timothy , " and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also . "
18 At the end of a period of unemployment , however , the unemployment benefit office notifies the claimant of the amount of taxable benefit that has been paid to them .
19 Others went their own way , delving farther into the secrets that had been revealed to them , living in the deep woods of the high crags , visited by petitioners who sought aid .
20 Enraptured by the celluloid screen , we revelled in the romance that had been denied to us , or had been put in cold storage ‘ for the duration , .
21 The Soviet masses were in the process of acceding to a cultural awareness that had been denied to his father .
22 Erika felt goose-pimples on her arms and the thought crossed her mind that , despite all that had been said to her about courage , perhaps she was n't really cut out for stardom , after all .
23 Benny and Eve watched fascinated , as he shook his head sorrowfully and seemed to agree with something that had been said to him .
24 Well I gave him all the information that had been given to me and we discussed between us various options that were open to us .
25 She lost pearls that had been given to her for her 21st birthday .
26 From his jacket pocket Robert took out a grubby sheet of paper — the translation of the mysterious manuscript that had been given to him in the pub nearly a year ago today .
27 By the time you spoke to Superintendent had you learned anything about the address that had been given to you ?
28 As a way of thanks , we handed Thomas a wee bit of Scotland that had been given to us by Frank Brown , a teacher at Musselburgh Grammar School .
29 This was made very clear to me early in my fieldwork when I offended a neighbour by trying to make explicit return of food that had been given to my wife and me .
30 He referred to the Bible that had been presented to him by the people of Memel St on July 10 at the opening of their march .
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