Example sentences of "that have [vb pp] [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The yanks are castigated for their heartless reaction to the deaths of civilians in Baghdad ( ‘ the manner of the American military 's response betrays something about its values , ’ opined Britain 's Independent on Sunday ) and mocked for the fear of terrorism that has kept them away from Europe — thus cruelly hurting Europe 's tourist business .
2 Taylor believes he must protect Gascoigne just at a time when he seems to have shaken off the horrific knee injury that has kept him out of football for 17 months .
3 He faces a fitness test today on the hamstring strain that has kept him out for two matches .
4 We ought first to remind ourselves that for every type of animal throughout time there has always been a most convenient size that has fitted it neatly into its own niche .
5 GOALKEEPER Stephen Pears goes into hospital tomorrow for an operation on a cheekbone injury that has ruled him out of an international debut next week .
6 He added : ‘ It is more important than the general election itself that we maintain a constitution that has served us well for generations , and ought not to be lightly tampered with for party political purposes in the midst of the general election . ’
7 For the Prince , it was the beginning of a love affair , one that has taken him back to Italy on many occasions .
8 Or , perhaps , it had the meaning he had wanted it to have from the beginning : the meaning that had kept him out of coups led by others .
9 They manhandled her out of the vehicle and through the front doors , down the corridor and into the small , windowless and empty room that had become her home for the last nine hours .
10 I got involved with one of the servants I told you about , that had pawed me about in a cupboard .
11 All the excitement that had buoyed her up over these last years drained out of her .
12 By the time that Lothar arrived in Paris , probably in the 1180s , perhaps earlier , the theology taught there was no longer the speculative , probing theology of Peter Abelard ( which was perhaps the reputation that had brought him there in the first place ) , but had become more concerned with practical issues and doctrine .
13 It was much smaller than the one that had brought them out of the Store , but still quite big enough .
14 The accidents that had brought me back into the past were real enough .
15 It was the music that had brought me in from the hall where I had been lying .
16 Theda slipped unobtrusively into the house , which seemed unnaturally quiet after the hurricane that had driven her out of it .
17 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
18 The disapproval she had sometimes sensed from him , and that had bothered her fleetingly from time to time , had erupted into a torrent of burning hatred at the discovery that , in spite of the fortune his father had showered on him , Ryan had died in a state of virtual penury .
19 From the beginning of their history , the amphibians were hunters , preying on the worms , insects and other invertebrates that had preceded them on to the land .
20 His armour of cynicism was shown up as useless ; all he could feel was how desperately he had wanted the job and how bitter he felt at the injustice that had taken it away from him .
21 She was tempted to use the weather as an excuse to postpone her visit to J. Pringle & Sons , but the work ethic that had carried her successfully through so many years of study and so many examinations now exerted its leverage on her conscience once more .
22 And Gershwin 's ‘ Rhapsody ’ , the one that had started them off on this road together .
23 Was there a part of his career that had helped him most in the development of My Kinda Town ?
24 It was the thought of her that had drawn me back to the Lodge with my dream , and if this odd enterprise had any meaning at all it must lie , I believed , somewhere between the three of us .
25 Esther hinted that it was the grim circumstances of their childhood that had drawn them together with a love that dared not speak its name .
26 Familiarity with the voices that had haunted him down through the years had encouraged a bravado that was little like his real self .
27 One with all the attributes of a jet-setter , considering the sort of life he must have led before the accident that had put him out of motor racing , yet he seemed to be living here like a monk .
28 Even in our championship winning year we failed to beat the ‘ elite ’ sides in the league and although Wilko has made a few changes to the squad we still have basically the side and thus the same problems that have cost us dearly in the most important games .
29 It seems to epitomise the whole range of values and ideas that have taken me there in the first place .
30 For , as we shall see , the topic we are about to review has many different strands , having been the subject of extensive and increasingly systematic enquiry from several different points of view that have taken it well beyond the realm of intuitive speculation from which it began .
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