Example sentences of "that the [adj] number of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is vital that the necessary number of jobs , Work Experience placements and teacher secondment placements are offered within the Compact , even when one or more of the employer participants is unable to fulfil all of their individual commitments .
2 Dobson argues convincingly that as the admission of freemen was controlled by the borough authorities , it is more probably that the increased number of admissions was prompted by their desire to spread the load of civic obligations , and to secure money from the payments made on entry to assist shaky borough finances .
3 An anonymous US official cited by several agencies on Dec. 27 said that the increased number of troops by now present made a more aggressive approach possible .
4 In this context it should be clear that the optimal number of residents in the locality is .
5 It is evident then that the optimal number of residents increases to .
6 The important point is that the optimal number of residents for a local authority can be determined only when the ‘ appropriate ’ quantity of the local public good is determined .
7 It should be noted at this point that the small number of boys who become anorexic ( 14 per cent as compared to 86 per cent girls of the patients studied by Bruch ) do so before they reach puberty and do not develop sexually until after they have recovered .
8 It would appear that the small number of pupils in a country school had read all in which they were interested and borrowing declined and it was not until a new set of children were ready for reading that regular lendings became frequent again in 1911 and 1912 .
9 Organisers are confident that the final number of riders will be double last year 's total .
10 On April 8 the governor of the south-eastern region , Hayri Kozacioglu , estimated that the total number of refugees had risen to 400,000 .
11 The entire Cabinet resigned to facilitate the re-shuffle and Prime Minister Michael Manley announced that the total number of ministers , ministers of state and parliamentary secretaries had been reduced from 39 to 28 .
12 Even though it 's bad news overall that the total number of incidents have increased again , there is good new in that there seems to be this increase in awareness and realization and commitment on the part of The Farming Union , the farmers and the water authorities to take the problem seriously and tackle it .
13 We will ensure that the total number of warheads on the four-boat Trident system is limited to no more than that currently deployed on the Polaris system , and our Defence Review will consider whether we can reduce this further without threatening security .
14 The government 's accent on the removal of surplus places and on open admissions policy makes it likely , however , that the total number of schools will decline .
15 There are no restrictions on the length of the pathname , but the logical name itself must be less than 20 characters , so that the total number of characters including the colon ( which LIFESPAN always requires you to explicitly type ) is 20 or less .
16 I hope that my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North agrees that the total number of passengers using King 's Cross and St.
17 Slotting the survey findings together , the authors found that the total number of landfills in America might be anything from 4,462 to 10,467 .
18 From documents that I have been sent by the senior chief inspector it is clear that the total number of inspectors will be used as follows : 11 will conduct high-profile surveys and focus inspections , six will inspect schools at risk and another 26 will undertake inspections to supplement database evidence .
19 Using functional notation , we can write : unc which states that the total number of jobs on offer is a function of , or depends on , the rate of national income and real labour costs .
20 Republicanism in Derry was weak — one activist has estimated that the total number of republicans of all shades of opinion in the city in 1968 was less than one hundred .
21 Karl Semper 's Animal Life as Affected by the Natural Conditions of Existence of 1881 developed the concept that would later be known as the food-chain and noted that the total numbers of predators must be much lower than the numbers of the prey organisms to maintain a stable system .
22 Launching International Literacy Year 1990 , UNESCO Director General said that the absolute number of illiterates had begun to decline for the first time in history .
23 Setting up such a Common Fund proved even more difficult and it was not until 1986 that the required number of states ratified the agreement .
24 Furthermore , even when examining recorded crimes only , changes in the figures may be accounted for by reasons other than the fact that the actual number of offences have changed , and there are a variety of other ways in which an increase in recorded crime can be accounted for .
25 I think , one fact that probably , I 'm sure yo , many of us know here is that the actual number of women on the H R T is really very small in this country !
26 As in previous reports , WHO noted that many cases of AIDS went unreported , particularly in Africa , and that the actual number of sufferers was much higher .
27 ‘ But in Middlesbrough we are determined to ensure that the minimum number of houses are left empty for the minimum amount of time .
28 Unless there are an appreciable number of genuine deaths from asthma in people aged over 65 this supports my belief that the annual number of deaths due to asthma nationally is nearer 500 than 2000 ( even allowing for some genuine deaths from asthma not certified as such and given that some areas such as West Cumbria and perhaps Hertfordshire seem to have a lower mortality than Norwich ) .
29 It is hardly surprising that the highest number of accidents occur in the home .
30 Someone estimates that the average number of formats for each single is four .
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