Example sentences of "that the [noun] of [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Even where the credit market is fully competitive and suffers no distortions , it may be judged that the price of credit so resulting is excessive and socially unacceptable .
2 The Guardian disclosed in July that the Ministry of Agriculture secretly agreed to an investigation as soon as the US findings were known .
3 It is just as unbelievable that the Ministry of Defence apparently does not know what happened to them afterwards , what careers they followed .
4 But the facts strongly suggest that the current of liberation really began to flow in 1953 , the year not only of the Kinsey Report but of two significant debuts : those of James Bond and Playboy .
5 It was upon serfdom that the critics of Tsarism rapidly came to focus their attention .
6 This is not to say that the range of powers thus exercised need be comprehensive .
7 They could also describe children being sent individually or in small groups , to forage for information on particular topics , and in the case of the school which monitored library use , the school could demonstrate that the range of subjects thus represented was considerable .
8 In The Origin , and already as far back as The German Ideology , Marx and Engels followed their contemporaries in believing that the history of mankind usually went through the same sequence of technological improvement .
9 It was known that a change was taking place and Perhaps it was felt the more because of the very success of the Concert ; humanitarian impulses and liberal assumptions had disguised the fact , axiomatic to professional diplomats , that the interests of states often conflicted .
10 Although they too nominally subscribed to Calvinist theology , it seems unlikely that the doctrine of predestination ever made more than the most superficial inroads into their collective consciousness .
11 The book did not mention man other than obliquely , and it was not until 1871 that Darwin published The Descent of Man ; but it was clear from 1859 that the ancestry of man rather than that of horses was the crucial question .
12 The main reason for the relative quiet over Bill 86 may be that the French-speakers of Quebec no longer believe their language to be in serious peril .
13 I saw nothing strange in his behaviour , but it is evident from the literature that the families of anorexics often include a member who either suffers from a psychosomatic complaint or shows an obsessive interest in food and its health-giving properties .
14 It was here that the Prince of Wales formally asked Lady Diana Spencer to be his bride .
15 In this context it is also relevant to note that the rules of court expressly protect the confidentiality of all documents held by the court and limit their circulation to the parties , their legal representatives , the guardian ad litem or welfare officer and the Legal Aid Board ( FPCR , r23(1) ; FPR , r4.23(1) ) .
16 Berridge ( 1985 ) found that the separation of siblings when children come into care was strongly linked with unsettled care experience .
17 In hard reality , therefore , many authorities consider that the sovereignty of parliament really means the sovereignty of an unrepresentative party boss who is then given a free constitutional rein to wreak unlimited havoc .
18 The fact that the majority of families now only have two children may add additional value and intensity to the sibling relationship .
19 The extent of local monopoly means that the majority of DHAs still have to deal with their own local providers and may have no realistic alternative for the bulk of their services .
20 The fact that the majority of people officially labelled as ‘ criminal ’ by the criminal justice system for the first time , never are again , seems to be a restriction on labelling theory 's potential in this respect .
21 In 1872 the Catholic Archbishop Cardinal Manning announced that the majority of clerics now believed that there was nothing incompatible between evolutionary science and their own theological system .
22 In the three years that the revised scheme has now operated the Council has noted that the majority of bodies clearly have been able to submit their applications well within that timescale .
23 It is that the particular theory of determinism in the chapters to come will depend considerably on the claim that the part of science most relevant to it , neuroscience , does indeed establish certain causal and other nomic connections .
24 In the next passage Poulantzas argues that the course of capitalism partly depends on what the working class ‘ allows ’ .
25 What was more they could not , or claimed they could not , pay taxes , direct or indirect , so that the king of France soon came to feel the impact on his fiscal policy of English raids into certain parts of his kingdom .
26 Anxiety over global environmental change has perhaps made us more aware of the converse idea : that the activities of microbes largely determine the state of the biosphere , and in particular the evolution of the Earth 's atmosphere .
27 In addition , several studies have demonstrated that the amounts of prostacyclin normally found in the circulation are probably too low to have an appreciable effect on platelets ( Steer et al , 1980 ; Haslam & McClenaghan , 1981 ; Greaves & Preston , 1982 ) , and endothelial cells in culture produce little prostacyclin unless stimulated by thrombin for instance ( Weksler et al , 1977 ) .
28 Jones referred to ‘ cranks — long-haired men and short-haired women ’ who formed the ( British ) Socialist Party , and explained that the title of NSP better represented the time and circumstances than SDI' because ‘ social democrat was associated with Germany and Germanic thought , and during the present war the action of most of the social democrats of Germany had made the term stink in the nostrils of most people ’ ( SE 1 June 18 ) .
29 Nevertheless it insists that legal practice as a whole can be seen as organized around important legal conventions and this claim requires showing that the behaviour of judges generally , even those who are not conventionalists , converges sufficiently to allow us to find convention in that convergence .
30 It has been pointed out that the behaviour of zebras simply does not match with this picture of them standing very still in broken cover .
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