Example sentences of "that the [noun] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Ahmed : I do n't think that the Union actually changed in any fundamental way .
2 What a shame that we did n't — or could n't — see more of the role that the Queen actively plays in British politics in the television portrait filmed to mark her 40 years in what she memorably described as a ‘ job for life ’ .
3 This should make life a little easier for the prosecutor , but let's not forget that the prosecutor only deals in terms of the crimes , with violence that has occurred , and the violence that has occurred is of course something which has gone wrong in society .
4 Labbe ( 1926 ) thought that the shells of embryos were usually imbricated , but that the character only persisted in the shells of dog-whelks living in sheltered sites .
5 But doctors did notice that the epidemics usually happened in the hot months of the year ; and that was when the miasmic smells from primitive or non-existent sewerage were at their worst .
6 The whole connection is so slight that the legend only appears in tourist-orientated guide books of the twentieth century .
7 Officials said that the contamination probably began in the 1950s .
8 I 'm told that the work also occurs in the local exter dialect of the planet Milifinil-il , where it means ’ there is a smear of faeces below your fourth ventricle ’ .
9 In his Essay he observed , ‘ When we set before our eyes a round globe … it is certain that the idea thereby imprinted in our mind is of a flat circle . ’
10 Since this is a controversial subject , on which the weight of scholarly opinion probably still supports Böhmer 's thesis that the documents already existed in their contaminated form in 1072 , and were used by Lanfranc in this form , it will perhaps help to clarify a complicated issue if I set out as bluntly as possible the reasons which seem to me to point decisively to 1120 as the date at which the forged additions were inserted into the texts .
11 His experience as president of the Scottish Institute had led him to believe that the way forward lay in joining forces with the English and Welsh in a single British Institute of Chartered Accountants , and in 1989 , he spearheaded the Scottish side of the campaign .
12 The Society was agreed that the way forward lay in a comprehensive purge of all elements — innocent or not — who might presently be tampering , or tempted to tamper , with rituals intended to gain access to so-called Reconciled Dominions .
13 However , I can agree with comments made by others that the way forward lies in a package of investment in small business , training and education to enable us to capitalise on the skills which exist .
14 He believes that the way ahead lies in the establishment of an international food policy which concentrates on obtaining the very maximum from crops .
15 It should be emphasized that the CMHTs frequently worked in partnership with other elements of the voluntary and social services sectors ( see Table 5 ) .
16 What psychologists George Sik and Stephen Smith found was that the person most needed in a team is older and more caring .
17 Even if high levels of economic growth were possible it is unlikely that the patterns once achieved in northern regions could be emulated , even if such were desirable .
18 Thus , if we are interested in studying business from the perspective of information systems , I believe that the paradigm usually accepted in the Management Information Systems community , of a system where facts about a definite world are stored , retrieved and manipulated , is inadequate …
19 For decades during the twentieth century it was heresy to give any credit to the ideas of Alfred Wegener ( 1880–1930 ) , and others before him , that the continents slowly moved in different directions over the surface of the globe .
20 It was a strong probability that the Guardian still retained in their archives a numbered copy of the minutes which would have told us immediately to whom that copy had been issued and therefore the name of the informant .
21 Speaking to a joint meeting of the University and Central Region officials recently , Professor Michael Jackson , Deputy Principal , estimated that the University now supports in excess of 2800 jobs in the Region ( 1380 employees and a further 1500 jobs in support services ) .
22 He found himself responding to some of the ideas that the Tunisians gently explored in their tents .
23 As a result evidence … clearly showed that the two Constables had been idling and gossiping together at a place where one of them had no right to be … [ and ] that the Acting Sergeant , on his round of inspection , met these two Constables together , failed to note in his book , as was required in the regulations , the place where and the time where he met them , and to see that the Constables then noted in their books the time and place of his visit …
24 For Piaget , this indicates that the infant still thinks in terms of ‘ making ’ or ‘ materialising ’ objects through action , rather than ‘ discovering ’ objects which have simply been hidden from view .
25 One of the frustrations of learning about psychology and psychobiology is that the practitioners frequently behave in what appear to outsiders as totally illogical ways .
26 The project decided that the conferences already organized in a variety of subject disciplines would be the best medium in which to achieve its aims , and consequently its primary objective has been to assist in planning/executing bibliographic instruction-related programmes at these conferences .
27 And one of one of the things that I 've got on a regular basis is the many of the things Harlow Council put on like pop concerts country and western have actually been used by people who who perhaps live outside of Harlow so the Council are now looking at a charging policy but also we should also gon na introduce into the theatre is the leisure card which actually includes that the people actually live in the town local and the reproductional sort of show if they can do so they should buy .
28 This makes any pages loss quite obvious and also means that the material always stays in the correct order .
29 But to the Labour party , it seems that the solution always lies in having more ex-teachers , more ex-educationists and more establishment figures who alone , Labour thinks , are capable of doing the necessary inspections in our schools .
30 It was here that the French finally threw in their hand .
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