Example sentences of "pepsinogen [letter] [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Serum pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C were measured by sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays as described previously .
2 In brief , antibodies to pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C were raised in goats against pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C purified from human gastric resection specimens and were used in final dilutions of 1:300000 and 1:200000 , respectively .
3 In brief , antibodies to pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C were raised in goats against pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C purified from human gastric resection specimens and were used in final dilutions of 1:300000 and 1:200000 , respectively .
4 The antibody to pepsinogen A showed no cross reactivity with pepsinogen C , whereas the antibody to pepsinogen C did not cross react with pepsinogen A. Purified human pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C were coupled to 1 2 5 I by the chloramine T method and used as label in the assays .
5 Purified human pepsinogen A and pepsinogen C were also used as standard preparations .
6 Serum pepsinogen A and C values , formerly called pepsinogen I and II , respectively , have been determined in various gastric disorders .
7 Basal and meal stimulated serum gastrin and basal serum pepsinogen A and C values were measured the day before treatment , on day five treatment , and the day after each course of treatment .
8 Giving SMS 201–995 with omeprazole significantly reduced any omeprazole induced increases in basal and meal stimulated peak and integrated serum gastrin levels ; serum pepsinogen A and C values were significantly inhibited too .
9 Basal and postprandial serum gastrin concentrations and basal pepsinogen A and C values were measured the day before , the last day ( day five ) , of treatment , and on the day after the various courses of treatment .
10 Serum pepsinogen A and C concentrations were measured only in the basal samples , because it has been shown that feeding does not change these .
11 Serum pepsinogen A and C concentrations were also measured by sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays as previously described .
12 Omeprazole caused significant increases in basal and meal stimulated peak and integrated serum gastrin values and pepsinogen A and C levels , which were still significantly raised the day after stopping omeprazole treatment .
13 Serum gastrin values during combined therapy were not significantly different from those during placeo treatment , whereas pepsinogen A and C levels were still significantly raised .
14 Because serum pepsinogen A and C levels are considerably increased during omeprazole treatment , the effect of SMS 201–995 on serum pepsinogen A and C levels was also investigated .
15 Because serum pepsinogen A and C levels are considerably increased during omeprazole treatment , the effect of SMS 201–995 on serum pepsinogen A and C levels was also investigated .
16 Fasting serum pepsinogen A and C levels before and after placebo and active treatment courses are shown in Figures 4 and 5 .
17 The serum pepsinogen A and C levels on the day after stopping the combination therapy were significantly higher than placebo values ( p<0.02 and p<0.05 respectively ) .
18 Our observation that short term treatment with omeprazole increases serum pepsinogen A and C levels confirms previous studies .
19 Short term treatment with SMS 201–995 decreases both basal and omeprazole induced increases of serum pepsinogen A and C levels .
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