Example sentences of "voting [prep] the [noun sg] of ministers " in BNC.

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1 The Community 's authority would be extended to many areas , like health and education , where it now has no legal remit ; majority voting in the Council of Ministers would be reinforced ; the European Parliament would be given extra power to block laws it does not like ; and a small step might be taken towards a common EC defence policy .
2 The Spanish opposed the introduction of majority voting in the Council of Ministers on environmental laws unless a special fund was set up to help poorer countries meet EC standards .
3 More majority voting in the Council of Ministers made it harder for members to block laws ; that strengthened the hand of the commission , which has the sole right to propose laws .
4 Recent Draft Treaties provide for majority voting in the Council of Ministers to determine economic policy , to decide whether a member state is running an ‘ excessive ’ budget deficit and to impose the ‘ appropriate penalties ’ if necessary .
5 The European Parliament would be given not only a veto over matters involving majority voting in the Council of Ministers , including all commercial issues falling within the Single Market , but also a wide range of issues newly added into the competence of the Community .
6 Brussels had framed the legislation under a section of the Treaty of Rome which authorises the Commission to aim for the highest possible levels of environmental protection and allows for majority voting in the Council of Ministers when member states are unable to agree .
7 The increased qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers , to which we have agreed in the treaty , means that we must have a way of keeping our national Parliaments better informed than they are at present .
8 Douglas Hurd , the UK Foreign Secretary , was particularly critical of the idea of extending majority voting in the Council of Ministers , and of allowing a greater legislative role for the European Parliament .
9 The SEA is basically a limited set of changes to the Treaty of Rome which allows for majority voting in the Council of Ministers in areas connected to establishing the Internal Market , and also has some rather vague references to EMU , Political Union and other policy areas such as the environment .
10 The G M B if it passes this motion we welcoming a proposal to extend majority voting in the Council of Ministers to new areas .
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