Example sentences of "beyond the scope [prep] this chapter " in BNC.

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1 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to grapple with the full implications of the whole ERA for pre-school education , particularly with regard to ‘ opting out ’ , financial delegation , especially as , at the time of writing , vesting days for each of these major elements have yet to be announced , and discussion would be speculative .
2 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to consider in detail the strengths and weaknesses of this whole constellation of assessment initiatives .
3 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to address any of these arguments .
4 The complex arguments which lay behind the present situation — and the possible solutions — are , however , beyond the scope of this chapter .
5 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to describe all the manipulations possible on post-implantation embryos .
6 These questions take us beyond the scope of this chapter , but they are raised again in Chapter 6 .
7 The full ramifications are well beyond the scope of this chapter .
8 Whether , of course , the association between education and earnings is due to the improved productivity of individuals or whether education acts simply as a form of credentialism , is an important debate but beyond the scope of this chapter .
9 Stains for particular clay minerals usually require powdered and acid-extracted samples ( Allman & Lawrence , 1972 , pp. 109–111 ) and are therefore beyond the scope of this chapter .
10 Exhaustive discussions of the CL properties of minerals are beyond the scope of this chapter , and the reader is referred to the reviews of Nickel ( 1978 ) , Amieux ( 1982 ) and Walker ( 1985 ) .
11 The processes involved in such shifts are essential to an understanding of the diachronic development of various deictic words ( see e.g. the remarks on come below ) and to usages in non-conversational discourse ( see Fillmore , 1981 ) , but are beyond the scope of this Chapter .
12 A detailed discussion of such clauses is beyond the scope of this chapter , but it should be said that the case law shows that use of such clauses to provide security in the event of failure to pay the purchase price is surrounded with many pitfalls .
13 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to give a full summary of the SFA Rules .
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