Example sentences of "ranged from [adj] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The choices ranged from central SF authors and works such as Ray Bradbury , Arthur C. Clarke and The time machine , to less central or non-SF writers and books such as Enid Blyton , Salman Rushdie and Dracula .
2 These attempts , none too successful , ranged from various business ventures to a stint in the Netherlands ( 1745–7 ) as observer for the British government .
3 Meanwhile , down in the deep south — at TVS studios in Southampton to be precise — there was a 4th July menu that ranged from real Texas burgers to an adventurous Lousiana duck .
4 Those who refused to give the figures ranged from tiny building societies , who simply did not have the technology to work out the sum , to large multi-national banks with copious staff and computers to hand .
5 All the phases of reclamation are still visible today , together with traces of the complex methods of water removal which ranged from wind-driven scoop wheels , through steam engines and diesel pumps to the electric pumps of today .
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