Example sentences of "encouraging they [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So today , a modern hospital ward for the care of the elderly aims to treat and rehabilitate patients — to get them back on their feet if possible and out of the ward , encouraging them to live their lives as they want to .
2 Audit committees are only as good as their members : they will help to enhance standards of corporate governance only if they are made up of truly independent non-executive directors with the experience , the skill and the commitment to : challenge knowledgeably , incisively and fearlessly the actions and judgments of management as they relate to the financial reporting process ; monitor actively management 's commitment to the maintenance of an effective system of internal control ; support the auditors by encouraging them to discuss their findings and views freely ; and act independently and objectively in helping to resolve differences of view between auditors and management .
3 For one thing poor countries produce similar commodities , and encouraging them to increase their exports has flooded the market .
4 The clergy will view a positive outcome as a signal of good will , encouraging them to keep their buildings open .
5 After encouraging them to express their feelings , the therapist then explained how the change in Tony 's behaviour and attitudes might be understandable in view of his current situation .
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