Example sentences of "point to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , interactionists point to the evidence in the Kinsey report on sexual behaviour that over one-third of male adults have had a homosexual experience to the point of orgasm , and that only one in twenty goes on to adopt a continuing homosexual role .
2 Systematic evidence from the US ( Hall 1980 , Hamermesh and Silk 1979 , Buzzell and Wiersema 1981 ) together with observations among British and European firms point to the success of strategies based upon product quality , good design , complementary services , innovation and brand awareness .
3 Brooks , Doudy , and Al-Rawi ( 1984 ) published the results of seismic refraction/wide angle reflection experiments in southwest England which point to the presence of a mid-crustal reflector dipping gently southwards at depths of 10–15 km .
4 They point to the existence of abnormal psychological conditions which demonstrate varying degrees of ambivalence towards the apparent biological sex , showing itself in deviant patterns of behaviour or dress .
5 The courts have instead tended to consider a number of factors which point to the existence of an obligation of confidentiality .
6 They also correctly point to the desirability of complementing educational efforts with other health promotion measures , implying that the interventions appraised are too little .
7 Similarly , secondary education librarians point to the lack of continuity between primary and secondary education , The lack of continuity between the various sectors and the poor transference of skills from one to the other is partly a consequence of lack of co-operation between the different sectors , but also the dilemma of librarians at different levels as to whether they should focus on short-term or long-term information needs .
8 Yet they also point to the conflict between feminism inside art history , which often seems little more than a maker of changing the gender of the artist as hero , and feminism as a more complex , multi-focused , or interdisciplinary project which utterly transforms the objects art history usually studies by refusing to treat them as simply ‘ works of art ’ created by ‘ artists ’ .
9 The development of such trading centres is only relevant here in as far as they point to the direction in which economy was evolving in the sixth and seventh centuries .
10 It is important to emphasise that the impact of the Teacher Placement Service is far greater than the sum of teachers taking placement , as evaluative returns and case study evidence consistently point to the experience as a stimulus for change and the development of partnership activities .
11 Surveys of the determinants of business location choice frequently point to the availability of suitable premises and labour , access to air transport , access to motorway networks , etc. , as important factors influencing the location of new business units .
12 Critics point to the disservice to the public of allowing the self-interest of organizations to determine welfare outcomes .
13 The importance of accountability relationships to economic success has been recognised by those writers who point to the rise of the Japanese version of ‘ collective ’ capitalism .
14 Automobiles point to the importance of investment in novel NFP structures to enhance design and production capability , product quality and the linkage between the factory and the market .
15 Implementing these models requires much further study but these results point to the importance of ideology ( in this case , possible misunderstandings of the principle of normalization ) as well as skills among the staff group as factors influencing staff performance .
16 They attribute it to the class differences in staying on at school and they point to the similarity in performance of working-class candidates who do take public examinations with other candidates .
17 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
18 Christianity bites deep into the culture of pre-industrial societies , and in 1700 life may be full of pain and suffering and hardship ( which are not good in themselves ) but these life-experiences point to the mystery of life in Christ and the reality of his suffering for the world .
19 Interactionists point to the fluidity of human sexual conduct ; to the changes that can occur within an adult 's lifetime ; to the movement back and forth between different types of sexual conduct .
20 When archaeologists research the way of life that people followed in the past , finds can provide direct evidence — spindle whorls , loom-weights and , in exceptional circumstances , fragments of woven cloth clearly point to the production of textiles , for example .
21 Opponents point to the example of the Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow , also run by the multinational Group 4 .
22 Of more relevance here are the criticisms of those who argue that Reagan , in reality , fell far short of his declared policy purposes , or who point to the thinness of his legislative record in the remaining three years of his first term .
23 For example , related experiments which measure elastic collision cross-sections of ultracold caesium atoms point to the feasibility of using evaporative cooling of magnetically trapped caesium to reach the temperatures required for the observation of the much-sought Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms .
24 All explanations for the rise in suicides point to the destruction of old ways of life .
25 For many writers this is indeed what had happened , and they point to the execution of Hastings on I 3 June as evidence that Hastings ( and perhaps by implication other members of the Yorkist establishment ) had made common ground with the Woodvilles against Gloucester .
26 For many writers this is indeed what had happened , and they point to the execution of Hastings on I 3 June as evidence that Hastings ( and perhaps by implication other members of the Yorkist establishment ) had made common ground with the Woodvilles against Gloucester .
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