Example sentences of "fortunate in [that] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most of us in the western world are fortunate in that we know where the next meal is coming from .
2 ‘ The French were fortunate in that they had vessels of the right kind available . ’
3 And I was fortunate in that I had friends — musical and artistic — who knew so much more about these subjects than I did , and enjoyed sharing their knowledge with me .
4 So far I 've been very fortunate in that I 've been in the right place at the right time ; buying land and property in a subdued market then selling it on when demand is high .
5 Phyl would have stayed in show business without the help of Littler but she was fortunate in that she met him at the right time , when he was building up his pantomime empire .
6 Burma is fortunate in that she has enough for her own needs , though she was only just able to ensure this during the last harvest .
7 He was fortunate in that he had the right doctor at the right time in the right so hospital
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