Example sentences of "treating [pers pn] as if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Practitioners working with step-children and step-families emphasize the importance of understanding the particular needs of step-families and not treating them as if they were two-parent families .
2 It promises to be difficult enough without John and Kate treating me as if I 'm a sensitive convalescent .
3 Towards the end of the thirteen-year marriage she was treating me as if I was someone the cat had brought home .
4 You are treating me as if I were another Rosette Fournier . ’
5 He had asked her all about the kiosk , about where she lived ; treating her as if she was interesting and important , not a boring , silly old woman .
6 At least when he was condemning her he was reacting to her , personally and subjectively ; now he was treating her as if she were a stranger .
7 She smiled at the few women clustered at the counter and acknowledged their somewhat surprised greetings , and was enormously grateful to Frank Green , the owner , for treating her as if she were a regular and valued customer instead of a virtual stranger .
8 She had no objection to working for her keep , but if Penry Vaughan went on treating her as if she were some kind of serf she 'd stick to plain , basic cooking from now on , she thought resentfully .
9 He was treating her as if he knew her , as if he cared what she thought , and she could n't even get her face under control .
10 Why were they all treating him as if he was five years old .
11 Treating him as if he were your own son , your legitimate son .
12 But it was nice to see all these old geezers with huge noses treating him as if he was a man .
13 Treating him as if he 's incapable of making up his own mind about anything .
14 Windows will then ignore the line , treating it as if it were a comment .
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