Example sentences of "implication [is] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The emphasis on cell lineage in the worm is a little misleading since the implication is that the behaviour of the cells is entirely determined only by the lineage and not by cell signals .
2 If the mid-point were taken arbitrarily the implication is that the UK manpower in R&D could be increased to 13–14 per cent of total manpower with continuing improvement in productivity .
3 The strong implication is that the UK will be increasingly dependent on Scotch Whisky for its positive contribution to the trade balance .
4 The implication is that the fuse for type I diabetes is lit early in life but may burn faster in some than in others .
5 The implication is that the animal is able to classify neutral events prior to learning and has a rule for what classes are relevant to particular outcomes .
6 ( The further implication is that the change in the effectiveness of the stimulus that is responsible for latent inhibition is not susceptible to the effects of heightened arousal . )
7 The obvious implication is that the writer had experienced the order a just king could create , and was writing after the establishment of the monarchy .
8 The implication is that the critiques developed by Castells and others have partly missed their targets .
9 Hence , the implication is that the price of equity will fall in direct proportion to the increase in the use of debt in the financial structure .
10 The implication is that the king was housed elsewhere .
11 The theological implication is that the Son must be somewhere midway between the Creator and the contingent creation now in need of redemption .
12 The implication is that the parish boundaries were already there in the early Saxon period when the dyke was built .
13 The practical implication is that the outcome of any action , unless it has been previously proven , can not be predicted accurately .
14 The practical implication is that the outcome of any action , unless it has been previously proven , can not be predicted accurately .
15 Its essential implication is that the coefficient linking the deviation of output from its natural rate to the unpredictable component of monetary growth depends negatively on the variance of unpredictable monetary growth .
16 ‘ The implication is that the profession does not know what it 's about . ’
17 By context I mean something wider than the co-text of any utterance : In ( 1 ) the implication is that the situation of utterance , which is extralinguistic , determines the potential meaning .
18 The implication is that the R , D and D or centre-periphery model had been wrongly conceived in its application to education , because it was premised on the possibly mistaken view that people are rational beings who will implement ideas that have been demonstrated to be effective .
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