Example sentences of "to bear [prep] [noun sg] [is] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Another factor to bear in mind is that , unlike TL dating , radiocarbon is independent of the archaeological burial environment , provided that potential contaminants have been removed in the pretreatment process .
2 The key point to bear in mind is that , even if a faculty is granted , listed building consent is also required for demolition .
3 Another factor to bear in mind is that VHS cassettes are quite bulky , and full VHS camcorders are correspondingly hefty pieces of equipment to carry round .
4 Moreover , a point to bear in mind is that for many users of weekly collection credit it is not just one transaction ( with a relatively small money cost , in spite of its high APR ) but is instead virtually continuous indebtedness , with one transaction following closely on the heels of another .
5 The important thing to bear in mind is that the walls are retaining ones and anything longer than about 2.5m will either need a pier in the centre to strengthen it , or for large pits , it may be better to build in 225m hollow concrete blocks : they 're heavy , and very unloved by the professionals , who are n't expected to lay many per hour .
6 Another point to bear in mind is that , although many hours of agonizing are often spent by relations over the choice of music , the actual time given to tapes or organ-playing in crematoria averages sixteen seconds .
7 The point to bear in mind is that all that glisters is not gold , and there has been a price to pay for all the splendour .
8 Mildew is not so very difficult to stop in the early stages , and there are several fungicides that will give it a severe check — all the chemical manufacturers have their own products and trade names which , like everything else , are constantly being improved and changed — but by far the most important point to bear in mind is that it has to be hit early and repeatedly .
9 This can be useful ; the only thing to bear in mind is that too many icons in here will increase the time taken for Windows to get going , so it 's best to keep Start Up for the real essentials .
10 the only thing to bear in mind is that we a little bit careful w with the changing environment we 're working in that it , with it only being pushed forward by direct projects if if nobody else wants it we could be wasting some of our money .
11 The only thing you have to bear in mind is that if you have a smoke detector that conforms to the British Standard kite-mark , British Standard five four five part one , that 'll be quite sufficient .
12 Another point to bear in mind is that in 1988 only 35 per cent of the 400,000 new jobs created were full time : 34 per cent were part time and 31 per cent were in self employment .
13 But what we 've got to bear in mind is that we are a multi-functional group .
14 In pondering these options , the key point to bear in mind is that the only way a society can get a rich future is by engineering a rich economy .
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