Example sentences of "accused [pron] [prep] [v-ing] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He accused them of failing to face up to the implications of the voters ' choice should this happen , and of preferring to hide from the truth .
2 He subsequently accused them of attempting to blackmail the government , and threatened to place their operations under military control if they attempted further action .
3 ‘ No more ridiculous than what you just accused me of trying to do . ’
4 ‘ At the end of the interview he accused me of trying to stir up trouble , refused to shake my hand and stormed off .
5 In the end , would you believe it , my own daughter accused me of trying to get off with him ; a woman of my experience !
6 They accused me of going to hit one of them with it … they put me in a police van and took me to Victoria Barracks where they kept me for two hours .
7 Guntram even accused her of wanting to marry one of them ; a suggestion which Gregory found preposterous .
8 Pilger then got even more upset and accused him of wanting to produce the Daily Star .
9 As we saw in Chapter 4 , the London Evening News accused him of trying to subvert the ‘ wholesome , manly , simple ideals of English life ’ , and connected his sexual perversion with intellectual and moral subversion .
10 RELATIONS between the British Medical Association and Kenneth Clarke , the Secretary of State for Health , reached a fresh low last night , as doctors ' leaders accused him of appearing to renege on promises that patients ' drugs would not be cash-limited under the Government 's National Health Service plans .
11 Niazi , whose Jamiat Ulama-i Pakistan ( Niazi ) party ( JUP ) would nevertheless remain a member of the ruling Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) , objected to Sharif 's pro-United States policy , and also accused him of failing to enforce the Islamic Sharia code as Pakistan 's supreme law , one of the IDA 's election pledges .
12 In early February , the chief of the general staff , General Mikhail Moiseev , sharply attacked the party 's military policies and accused it of failing to stem the tide of anti-military sentiment now sweeping the outlying republics ( 5,000 Lithuanians , for example , recently refused their call-up papers on the ground that the Geneva convention allows people to refuse to serve in the army of an occupying power ) .
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