Example sentences of "to prepare the [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , when the Board of Education issues its official Suggestions for Teachers handbook in 1910 it transmitted a clear message : ‘ … the high function of the teacher is to prepare the child for the life of the good citizen , to create and foster the aptitude for work and for the intelligent use of leisure , and to develop those features of character which are most readily influenced by school life , such as loyalty to comrades , loyalty to institutions , unselfishness and an orderly and disciplined habit of mind . ’
2 " To prepare the Europeans for the idea of playing an increased role in working for their own defence , " he said , " I suggested to President Bush , and he agreed , that we propose to our allies to hold a NATO summit before the end of the year . "
3 On 19th August , 1856 , Hall sent identical letters to Clarendon and Panmure , saying that he had directed Hunt to prepare the instructions for the competition , and asked the Secretaries of State to appoint a representative from each of their departments to give Hunt the ‘ extent and kind of accommodation required ’ .
4 He saw the problem of visual perception as a particular difficulty for it , and , wishing to proceed gradually , he intended the New Theory to prepare the way for the Principles .
5 I am besides about to be deserted by my husband , who is to go this next week to Rome to prepare the way for the Brownings .
6 There may be some limited involvement by the counsellor to prepare the way for the counsellee .
7 Marshall 's skilful lobbying , which relieved the suffering of many an objector , did much to prepare the way for the relatively unproblematic acceptance of the right to conscientious objection and alternative service in the Second World War .
8 If one were to suggest that in order to learn French we should first practise and watch sentences such as ‘ He makes of the sun ’ in order to prepare the way for the sentence ‘ Il fait du soleil ’ , it would be ridiculed by modern language theorists .
9 Artillery was to prepare the way for the infantry assault ; the cavalry was to provide reconnaissance , occasional shock intervention in the battle if circumstances were favourable , and , it was hoped , effective pursuit of the defeated enemy .
10 It prepared the way for the men who were to prepare the way for the Council .
11 The International Christian Dance Fellowship ( ICDF ) is practising its steps to prepare the way for the ICDF conference to be held in August in Jerusalem .
12 Thame , Cardiff , Emanuel , and Wallington all flourished within the grammar-school tradition and 1959 is a good moment — before the critical voices drown the subtleties of that tradition — to try to define it , to place it in its historical and social context , and to prepare the scene for the massive reorganization of secondary schooling which marked the 1960s .
13 There is no doubt that by returning to nursing in the next decade you will be helping to prepare the profession for the enormous demographic and social challenges facing Britain in the 21st century .
14 This will signal the end of the European Commission 's efforts to prepare the groundwork for the free movement of goods , services and people within the European Community .
15 Mrs Postance believes that the heavy digging already completed to prepare the ground for the national curriculum has had a beneficial effect , at least on the teachers , even if the children have yet to reap the harvest : ‘ It 's focused our minds on what we are teaching .
16 A third preliminary task was to prepare the ground for the recruitment of support workers .
17 It is clear that although the long-term factors which favoured the professionalisation of British management and the acceptance of using outside consultants helped to prepare the ground for the spread of headhunting , the leading executive search firms themselves played a vital part in creating this new business out of nowhere .
18 The task of this chapter is to investigate the phenomenon of style in general terms , and so to prepare the ground for the analysis of its various aspects and manifestations in later chapters .
19 In April and May parliament approved a series of measures intended to prepare the ground for the new economic structure .
20 Some 150 experts in solar energy from across the world met at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in early July to prepare the ground for the second " global solar summit " , scheduled for 1995-97 .
21 At midday , Chola , Mina and Kāli came back from the fields to prepare the food for the evening .
22 After the two men had shaken hands she thankfully escaped , leaving them to talk while she went out to prepare the treatment-room for the first of the morning 's patients .
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