Example sentences of "to prepare a [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Week 2 John the Baptist , with his urgent message , preaches the need for true repentance if we are to prepare a way for the Lord .
2 If a school is going to prepare a pupil for the ‘ opportunities and experiences of adult life ’ as it is required to do by section 1 of the Education Reform Act 1988 , it surely can not ignore his/her sex education .
3 This group was established in May 1991 , under the aegis of the Strategic Planning Forum , to prepare a report for the Secretary of State for Wales as part of a review of strategic planning guidance .
4 Once the students had agreed the language to be taught-lexis , structure and discourse function — they were asked to work out in pairs how they would plan to prepare a class for the Negotiator assessment .
5 He had been awarded the Hanseatic-Goethe prize but was unable to make the trip to Germany in order to receive it , and even now was attempting to prepare an address for the following year .
6 The 11 Foreign Ministers of the Group of Rio member countries met in Bogotá on April 3-4 to prepare an agenda for the meeting with EC Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg on April 26 .
7 ‘ Your orders , Colonel , are to prepare an ambush for the man and the American .
8 When I visited Roehampton to prepare an article for the Times Educational Supplement , Dr Shipman expressed his hopes that the scheme would ‘ lead to an initial preparation for teaching that blends theory and practice in courses that are coherent and intellectually stretching ’ .
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