Example sentences of "arguing that [art] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 She wrote to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York , but both declined to appear as witnesses in the trial , Dr Coggan arguing that a jury were far more likely to be influenced by ordinary people testifying to the poem 's blasphemous nature than by ‘ professional ’ Church leaders .
2 Even in cases in which a declaration is sought , such as the Schroeder case , the burden of proof appears to be on the party arguing that the restraint was reasonable .
3 The Christian Democrat prime minister of Italy , Amintore Fanfani , was more forthright in his condemnation , arguing that the treaty was ‘ harmful to the Common Market , harmful to the progress of European unity , and harmful to the internal equilibrium of NATO ’ .
4 The Federal Republic of Germany filed an amicus brief arguing that the Convention was exclusive and that it was contrary to its spirit for the United States to circumvent the Convention .
5 Yet for many years gerontologists , in the many disciplines that make up gerontology , have been arguing that the gloom is overstressed , that future prospects need not be so bad as is often suggested .
6 Furthermore , Henry was not content with investing himself with merely an administrative and political imperium , but also claimed a spiritual supremacy , arguing that the monarch was the vicar of God .
7 Parliament is already arguing that the referendum was no more than a glorified opinion poll .
8 The second is to understand that Jesus is arguing that the Messiah is not a descendant of David .
9 This council , in which Massud accepted a major role , rejected Hezb-e Islami plans to attack Kabul later in October , arguing that the mujaheddin were too lightly armed to take Kabul and that the fierce rocket attacks favoured by Hekmatyar would kill civilians as well as soldiers .
10 Sartre therefore tried to show that the two were not opposed : arguing that the dialectic is produced by human subjectivity rather than inscribed within history itself , at the same time he also asserted the truth of the Marxist account of there being one history with a single meaning — a history , that is , in which all differences return as the same .
11 During the 1970s several teams attempted to refute this claim , arguing that the connection is a figment of Arp 's imagination , that it is an optical illusion caused by the overlap of isophotes ( light contours ) from the two objects , or that it is an illusion caused by a star or galaxy which just happens to be located between the two objects .
12 There are those who remain unconvinced of the benefits of a good environmental audit , arguing that the process is nothing more than a shallow , expensive public relations exercise .
13 The sweeping aside of the ‘ primitive ’ inhabitants of these conquered territories could be justified by arguing that the process was necessary for progress .
14 The inspector is arguing that the director is in receipt of an assessable Schedule E benefit in kind in respect of the living accommodation the company provides .
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