Example sentences of "killing [num] [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The trial ended in November 1990 in Siegen ( Germany ) of a former SS officer Ernst August König , 71 , who was accused of killing eight gypsies and assisting in the murder of 1,067 others at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp .
2 Bombs exploded in Amritsar and Patiala on June 4 , killing eight people and injuring 35 others .
3 MAOIST ‘ Shining Path ’ guerrillas attacked a hamlet in the central Peruvian jungle , killing eight people and wounding seven in the second raid in the zone in less than a month , Panamericana Television said .
4 On Dec. 6 a bomb destroyed the Department of National Security ( DAS ) headquarters in Bogotá , killing 67 people and wounding up to 800 others .
5 KABUL — Fifteen mujahedin rockets slammed into residential areas of Kabul over the weekend , killing 10 people and wounding 27 , writes Ahmed Rashid .
6 Thus , for example , when Palestinian rocket fire and a mine explosion had killed two civilians and two soldiers , the Israelis shelled the town of Hasbaya , killing 45 people and wounding another 45 .
7 An ETA car bomb exploded in Sabadell , near Barcelona , on Dec. 8 , killing six policemen and injuring eight other people .
8 During a raid in March she heard that a bomb had dropped on a burning building , killing six firemen and injuring others .
9 He denied his brother had any role in planting the car bomb that ripped through the garage of the twin skyscraper complex on 26 February , killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 .
10 When another objector pointed out that the Pan-Am jumbo jet which exploded in mid-air over Lockerbie in Scotland in December 1988 , killing 270 people and scattering its debris for miles , had just minutes earlier passed over the Chapelcross nuclear power station , the reality came frighteningly close .
11 The man whose car collided with a coach moments before it crashed killing three people and injuring twenty-six others says he ca n't sleep for thinking about the accident .
12 The Revolutionary Tupac Amarú Movement ( MRTA ) was believed responsible for a car bomb which exploded outside the residence of the US ambassador during the night of Feb. 11-12 , killing three policemen and injuring several other people .
13 In a rare night-time raid early on June 5 , Israel air force jets attacked a base of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command ( PFLP -GC ) , killing three guerrillas and wounding four others .
14 Three earthquakes struck Peru on April 5-6 , the severest of them ( measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale ) killing 35 people and injured 750 others in the northern jungle province of San Martín .
15 The army also reported having overrun an LTTE camp at Toppigala near Batticaloa on April 9 , killing 77 guerrillas and losing seven soldiers .
16 Unidentified gunmen attacked the demonstrators , killing 25 people and injuring 82 others .
17 The country 's worst rail accident since 1963 occurred in Shiga prefecture , near Kyoto , on May 14 , when two passenger trains collided head-on on a single track , killing 42 people and injuring more than 400 .
18 Gunmen crossed into Israel from Jordan on April 17 and attacked a kibbutz in the Bet She'an Valley , killing one person and injuring three others .
19 The first was in March , when eight bombs fell on the outskirts of the village , killing one person and wounding fourteen others , and damaging the convent in which the Dominican nuns lived .
20 Two Israeli helicopters later attacked refugee camps near Rashideiyeh , killing one person and wounding three , according to local police .
21 Despite the emergency measures bombs exploded in the cities of Medellín and Cali on Nov. 11 , killing one person and wounding 35 .
22 A BOMB exploded in a crowded railway station in Calcutta yesterday , killing one person and wounding at least 12 in the latest of a number of blasts in India .
23 Later that day a bomb exploded outside the home of an al-Fatah official in Sidon 's Ain Helwey camp , killing one civilian and wounding nine others .
24 The situation deteriorated on Dec. 21 when Myanman border guards fired on a Bangladesh Rifles camp near Ukhia Upazila on the Myanma-Bangladesh border , killing one soldier and wounding seven others .
25 In another incident , three men on motorcycles hurled a grenade into a mosque in the central Pakistani city of Bahawalpur and opened fire on the congregation yesterday , killing five people and injuring 40 .
26 On Friday , 13 powerful explosions ripped through Bombay , India 's commercial and business capital , killing 250 people and injuring at least 1,200 .
27 Shortly after the £5 million junction was opened , two trains collided head-on killing four people and injuring 22 .
28 Shortly after the £5 million junction was opened , two trains collided head-on killing four people and injuring 22 .
29 I regret to have to tell the House that a bomb planted by the Provisional IRA exploded in Musgrave Park hospital at 3.53 pm last Saturday , killing two soldiers and injuring 11 other people , among them a five-year-old girl and a baby of four months .
30 Muslim gunmen ambushed an Israeli armed convoy , killing two soldiers and wounding five , at Houle village , in Israel 's self-proclaimed security buffer zone in southern Lebanon , yesterday .
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